Chapter 14

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Izzy POV

When she woke, she felt rested and more like herself, her mind having taken the opportunity of unconsciousness to process the horror and violence she had witnessed.

The falling darkness and shadows dancing in the room told her she had been asleep for at least a few hours, the undisturbed and still air told her she was alone.

Untangling herself from the comforter she propped herself on her elbows, wiping the sleep from her eyes, looking around confirmed that she was alone. She frowned, she was getting used to waking up with him near.

Stop that Izzy, he's a monster, and even if maybe he's not totally a vicious murdering bastard, he still doesn't owe you anything. You can't be upset that he didn't wait around while you slept.

The pep talk didn't help much; she still felt a slight disappointment that he had left her, that he hadn't been there when she had woken.

You're a big girl dammit! Stop acting like a terrified little human kid, and buck up! This is your world now, if you're going to survive it you gotta start acting like it!

The scolding was enough to push her the rest of the way up, sliding the blankets away she swung her legs out over the side of the bed.

Hunger rumbled her stomach. Okay, food first.

She was almost at the door when she remembered her clothes, looking down at herself she considered swapping Rowan's shirt for one of Leia's or Rey's but then dismissed the idea. She was warm and comfy, and the still lingering scent of male was an added bonus that sealed the deal. He said I could help myself, she reminded herself, silencing the nagging voice that tried to convince her she shouldn't feel so comfortable in his borrowed used clothes. Shut up! She hissed at the annoying voice.

A quick look around the room, and her eyes landed on the chair he had hauled in the previous night. Over the back lay a discarded black sweatshirt. She didn't hesitate pulling the thick material over her head, inhaling deeply as she did. What's his is mine – I'm only taking him at his word. She thought happily as the material settled around her thighs.

Cracking the door open Izzy peered out, still air hit her, like the room around her it felt – empty, abandoned. No noise or sounds carried out to her, no feel of another presence to sooth her edgy nerves.

She had expected to find Olivia, or even Austin or Hayden waiting for her, but the hallway was empty. Venturing down the stairs, her confusion and hurt continued to increase – the house was empty. Completely empty.

She had only been there a few days, but the Alpha's house had NEVER been empty. A steady stream of people had continually been coming and going. The kitchen was always a bustling center of activity, members of Maleco's pack busy at all hours cooking and baking. The scents of bodies and food lingering on the air, and the sounds of voices, arguments and light chatter a constant hum of white noise.

Now, it felt eerie.

She had always loved when her own home had been abandoned by the rest of her family, the small wonderful retreats where all of their schedules coincided to rid her of them for a few blissful hours. She would take the opportunity to venture from her room, enjoying the silence, the feeling of solace, the calm cool blanket that settled over the house in their absence. Now those same feelings felt off to her, the hairs on her body raised, the metallic taste of fear laced her tongue, her eyes prickled.

At home she had relished the feeling of being forgotten, of being the one left behind. Now? Now it made her stomach turn.

A horrible thought sprung to her mind, had they actually left her? Had they realized she wasn't worth it? That as a silly little human, she didn't belong in their world?

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