Chapter 19

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Izzy POV

They were lying in the dark, her back to him, but even with his steady breathing she knew he was awake. "Rowan."

The sigh that escaped was the barest release of breath. "Yes Madeline."

Rolling her eyes, she turned over, flipping around until she was staring at his profile. He was lying on his back on top of the covers, fingers laced behind his head, as he stared at the ceiling.

"Why does this Robert guy want you?"

In the soft pale moonlight, she could see as his eyes darted to her. She knew he was considering not answering her. "You should sleep, you're tired."

She ignored his words, continuing to look at him expectantly.

"He wants me so he can force my mother's hand."

"Force her to do what?"


"Concede what?"

"Her place."

"Why you?"

"I'm the only thing she would place before her pack; I am her single weakness in this entire world." Rowan's voice grew heavy with the words, his eyes filling with some unknown emotion.

"Who are you Rowan?" Her voice trembled in the night, soft and as gentle as a mother's caress it washed over him, she saw him flinch.

"Go to sleep cupcake." Was his only answer.

She wanted to argue but sleep was too alluring, and before she could put up a decent struggle she was falling into a deep dreamless slumber. Waking only when the sounds of Rowan moving around the room roused her. The only light was coming from the fixture overhead, the scene outside the window still bathed in darkness.

Sitting up she peered through half open lids to find Rowan shaking debris from a deep charcoal grey button-up shirt.

Looking up he winked. "I think it's okay so long as I don't mind the possible chance of slivers. The funerals are set for this morning; I need to be there."

Izzy heard the implication, if he had to be there – she had to be there. "For some reason I get the impression these odds excite you? And how long do I have?" Izzy's voice was still heavy with sleep, her free hand running threw her frazzled hair, a yawn cracking her jaw.

Grinning Rowan laughed. Her belly clenched at the sound, a pleasant heat sweeping over her as she eyed him in all his near naked glory. The simple black silk boxers were doing him justice.

"What's life without a little risk right cupcake? It's set for dawn; you have a little less than an hour."

"Perhaps you should abandon the pants, that might be too much risk, even for you." She countered watching greedily as him whipped off the black tee he had slept in, the dark grey material sliding up his muscled arms, over his broad shoulders, before he was slowly buttoning it over his bare chiseled chest.

He laughed throatily again, the sound reverberating around them, warm and rich. "Smart thinking cupcake, I'm not ready to risk the little guys just yet."

Heat flooded her cheeks at his words, earning another roaring chuckle from him, as he toed through the mess searching for a pair of bottoms that had survived his tantrum.

Trying to push away thoughts of just what 'his little guys' involved, she cleared her throat. "I think you left a pair in the bathroom. They should be hazard free. And is it really appropriate to be joking today of all days?"

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