Chapter 15

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Izzy POV

Izzy got to 637.

637, before the sound of the door re-opening cut off her mental counting. After unsuccessfully stopping the mental pictures of what would be happening in the next room at Rowan's hands, she had given into counting. At first she was picturing sheep and counting them jumping over a fence, escaping the imprisonment and certain death waiting in their future. But the game had turned grizzly and bloody as her mind conjured unwanted pictures of wolves chasing down the vulnerable and terrified fleeing sheep. Giving up the fluffy animals she started to just count, forcing the numbers to fill her head, her vision - everything.

She didn't react or move, but the numbers stopped. She was still curled in a ball, huddled in the corner, the cold dampness of the concrete soaking through the layers of her clothes. Her leg muscles were cramping but she refused to move, to ease the discomfort – not when someone's life was being ended less than twenty feet from her.

It was only when she felt a hand on her back did she let her head rise, turning slightly she peeked out at where Rowan crouched beside her. She flinched at the splattering of blood on his neck, her eyes fell to his black shirt and pants. How much more was hidden in that dark cloth?

"Are you done?" She whispered. Her eyes moving to his hands, she was thankful he had at least taken the time to wipe them off. She didn't think she'd be able to see them covered in blood.

He sighed, his face softening as he frowned slightly. "Yes we're done. We got what we could from him."

"And then you killed him?"

He sighed again, his hand rubbing her back as if he sensed her discomfort. "I had no choice Izzy. We can't keep them prisoner, they're too dangerous."

"Like I'm too dangerous? Like how I need to be killed!?" Her voice broke on the words; tears she had been trying to hold back breaking free.

Rowan growled, his eyes flashing silver, the hand on her back stiffening. "No one is going to hurt you."

Izzy rolled her eyes at his display of anger, waving off his words. "They all want me dead. You killed that other wolf, and I'm just a little pathetic human that's too stupid to even know what's going on. I think we all need to admit I'm a goner."

She didn't have any warning before she was off the floor and crushed to Rowan, his chest rumbling against her side as he let out a menacing growl effectively cutting off her stream of words. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her in securely and caging her against his body as he remained crouched, his back to the door. "No one is going to steal you from me! No one will lay a finger on you again, even if I have to kill every single one of those mangy mutts!" He snarled, his arms tightening further around her.

"Rowan you need to calm." Izzy recognized Olivia's voice, it sounded like it came from outside the room, but her voice was calm and steady. Relief filled her at Olivia's words, she didn't know how to respond or take Rowan's words, the force and suddenness of his anger caught her by surprise.

"She is mine!"

Whoa! What the hell does that mean! Forgetting herself she stared up at Rowan in confusion. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Just ignore him Izzy. His wolf is talking right now." Austin said.

Peeking over Rowan's shoulder, Izzy found Olivia and Austin standing shoulder to shoulder in the doorway. Neither entered the room, but she could see the concern and uneasiness on their faces. Hayden stood just behind them, his eyes fixated on Rowan's back.

"His wolf can talk? What the fuck does that mean? And what does he mean that 'I'm his'!?" She demanded, squirming in Rowan's hold, letting out a frustrated breath when she couldn't move more than an inch. The man was like steel, she was as useless against him as she had been against the metal door of her cell.

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