Chapter 11

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Izzy POV

Breakfast was a quiet, peaceful affair after the mouthy wolf, Dylan, had been removed. A few minutes later the woman returned.

"He's at the infirmary. He'll live." She said at a look from her Alpha, pulling out her chair. Izzy thought she looked almost ... disappointed by the news.

"So Derek do you agree with your Brother's accusations?" Austin asked, a small dribble of syrup on his chin.

Olivia groaned from beside Izzy, the first she had contributed the entire breakfast. Izzy turned to catch her rolling her eyes at Austin, sending him a sharp glance that he shrugged off.

Another guy, who appeared to be around Rowan's age, looked up, his features striking and Izzy easily picked up the familiar resemblance to the wolf that had been removed.

"Beta Austin, I would think that with your history and the history of your own Alpha, you would understand that family does not always mean loyalty and agreement."

Austin eyed the younger wolf for a minute before nodding, his serious expression melting and giving way to a lopsided grin. "More sound words have never been spoken."

After that the conversation turned to more benign and easy topics, everyone pointedly refusing to mention or refer to Izzy's presence or species. It began to feel like the big elephant in the room.

Finally, Izzy was able to escape, Olivia ushered her back upstairs, Austin and Hayden trailing behind. Rowan had left with Alpha Maleco and Dylan's brother, along with Isaac and Noah and the other members of Pack Tenebris.

Inside the room Izzy flopped onto the bed spread-eagle, shuddering. "Is it always like that?" She asked letting her eyes close.

She recognized Hayden's laugh from beside her, Austin was quick to join in, managing to get words out in-between his chuckling. "You'll get used to it."

"Do I have to stay in here all day?" Izzy asked, pushing herself up onto her elbows, her mind remembering the gardens she had quickly seen yesterday. She felt restless and penned up. She hadn't really been outside since she had been hiking all those long months ago; before everything had changed.

"I don't know-" Olivia said, looking at the other two questioningly.

"Row, didn't say she couldn't." Austin put in, taking in her hopeful expression.

"I don't think he'd be pleased though." Hayden said.

"But you guys said I was safe here, and you could come with me." Izzy said, bounding to her knees her eyes turning pleading. She WANTED to go outside. Roam. Explore.

Austin and Hayden shared a look, "It wouldn't hurt to ask." Austin finally said, he's eyes getting a faraway look to them.

Izzy huffed, "So he's my keeper now too? I am an adult you know."

"You are his responsibility, he has vowed to keep you safe, he can't do that if you take off however you want." Hayden said, she expected him to bark at her. Instead his eyes held understanding and - sympathy.

Blinking Austin re-focused on them, a hand running through his hair. "We can go..."

"I feel a 'but' in there." Olivia groaned.

"No 'but'." Austin said, gulping. "Just a very long, VERY detailed list of what exactly we can expect if something happens to her under our watch."

Izzy looked at the three, who had all grown nervous and pensive as Austin relayed the news. She didn't know how he knew what he did, but held her tongue. It didn't seem like the time to push her luck with a barrage of questions when they were letting her go outside.

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