Chapter 27

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Izzy POV

The car rolled to a soft stop, the engine cutting out, silence wrapping around them as the dark night pressed into the windows. The small twinge of unease that had started over an hour ago was now eating at her stomach, and gnawing at the back of her mind. She fidgeted uncomfortably under the weight of her anxiety, something wasn't right. Some part of her recognized some danger she couldn't get a handle on, and it was telling her to run. Run far and run fast.

Fear and worry still lingering Izzy watched as Derek pushed open the door, letting the soft sounds of the night, traffic, and wind break into their small sanctuary.

Pushing aside her misgivings she scooted across the seat hands reaching for the sides of the door to pull herself stiffly from the backseat. Before her feet could land on the pavement two large hands were on her waist, steadying her and softening her landing. Looking up she was shocked to meet stormy grey, the deep night sky framing silver hair.

Picking up on her surprise, his hands squeezed gently on her sides, a small sad smile tugging at his lips as he stared down at her.

They were in a parking lot, a large modern and extravagant Hotel behind them, the five SUV parked in an intimidating line, guards and Guardians surrounding where she stood with Rowan.

"I could feel your worry. Are you okay?" His voice was low and urgent, eyes scrutinizing her from head to toe.

She knew she looked a wreck, rumpled and messy after the long journey and longer day. Self-consciously she tried to smooth down her hair, a small fluttering exploding in her abdomen at the feel of his eyes travelling along her body.

"I'm fine." She said. Clearing her mind and taking a step back, forcing his hands to fall from her. Hands that felt good, too good, on her.

He looked at her skeptically, eyes turning hard.

Still she didn't miss the flash of pain as she put distance between them. Isn't that what he wants though? He doesn't want ME, he made that perfectly clear. I'm nothing but a burden, a pathetic fragile human.

"Did you see something? Should we not stop here?" He asked seriously, no hint of mocking or skepticism in his voice.

The same feelings were still humming in her, but it was easier to ignore with Rowan in front of her. Looking up into his eyes, the slight scruff dusting his face, eyebrows pulled together in concern she felt herself relax just a bit. The anxiety coiled around her belly easing as his presence and strength washed over her.

What is it about him, that he can make me feel this? I mean Austin and Hayden, even Derek, are just as big – well maybe not AS big and intimidating – but they are big and capable, so why don't I feel this way with them? Why do I feel at ease, safe, and like I'm where I belong with him? Don't even go there Izzy! She scolded herself cutting off the line of questions that were leading into dangerous territory. He is a prince – a werewolf prince – Prince of the monsters that kidnapped, hurt, and threatened to kill you! Plus, he has a mate. Some other werewolf out there made for him by destiny itself! How are you supposed to compete with some fate made werewolf princess? I mean not that I want to compete, because I definitely do not WANT Rowan.

Thankfully he interrupted her run away thoughts. "Madeline."

Her eyes narrowed, "Yes, Your Highness?"

He sighed a hand going to his hip as the other ran through his hair. "Is there a reason we shouldn't stay here?"

"No, Your Highness. Everything is just peachy." Slipping around him she stomped towards the front doors, Hayden and Derek flanking her. All her previous unease forgotten as anger burned through her.

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