chapter 11

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Chapter 11***** Lola's P.O.V

I walked down the steps with London behind me chatting away with Terrance. Something about her family an marriage. My mind was more focused on why the King would want to speak with me. I soon got closer to this huge red door in the back of the house I'd never been to before ," I've never been down here before what's this room?" I turned to London.

"It's Damien's meeting room where the important Royal stuff goes down." London replied.

" Oh." I knocked on the door.

A voice on the other side of the door boomed a laugh," Lola you don't have to knock." Said London.

"We're wolves remember they already hear your heart pulse and even your foot steps." Said Terrance laughing with London.

I opened the door I at once felt Damien's eyes on me. I looked up to see the King, and the woman from the forest. The woman I remembered her name was Wisdom, and she still had her long twisted brown hair with big eyes. Beautiful. An the King boomed a aura I could feel his power. He had brown skin an green eyes. They sat on a couch across from Damien, and in between those couches was a love seat which sat a very formal looking woman.

" Eh-eh ," Damien pointed an accusing finger at Terrance an London who tried to sneak in from the side. "This is business you guys know you cant be in here."

"Damn! We never get to see anything." Said Terrance walking out with a pouty London.

Once the door shut Damien looked up to me," Come on." He waved at me to sit next to him. I did but far in the corner of the couch. Everyone was staring at me hard.

"Ok so we've met once before Lady Lola , but I haven't formally introduced myself. I am King Randolf IV , I am King of Spain an England. " He said to me smiling.

I looked from side to side thinking what does that have to do with me. " An I as you know am Wisdom. " Wisdom said smiling.

Wisdom looked to King Randolf with a concerned face. "So basically they came to see if you're their child. " The professional woman spoke. My mouth opened. " I am Doctor Laster. I am a expert in D.N.A an some what memories. Today I have come to settle some concern. Ms.Wisdom believes that you are indeed her child. After a long talk her, King Randolf, an King Damien had an arrangement that I come." She explained, so I closed my mouth.

" Is it true you don't know what family you are from?" She asked grilling me with her purple eyes.

My throat felt dry something about this meeting didn't seem right. "Y-yes." I felt Damien's hand on my leg.

"Do you have any memories as a child? If so what were they?" She continued.

"I don't."

" Mmm after or before meeting these two did any type of memory pop up?" She asked while jotting things down. Then I thought to myself,' Yeah that weird dream. Should I let them know... '

"No.. I don't think so."

"Ok look me in the eye." I did as she said.

"Are you sure you're not a spy for some humans?" She asked.

"Of course I'm no spy. He brung me here." I pointed to Damien. Thinking,' What does that have to do with anything.'

"Hm ." Her eyes squinted at me.

Wisdom stood up looking down at the woman," I don't like the vibe's I get from you. You don't have to look down upon her. We asked you to see if she's our daughter not grill her."

The woman stood too," Its business , that you asked for. If you don't like the way I do my business go away an don't ask for it again. An I'm on a higher level then you so don't speak as if you're still the King's wife your not! You're daughter has been dead for years you looney. No one just wants to tell you, as soon as a new comer comes you think it's her! " My eyes widened. Wisdom walked out. I looked to Randolf he sat there doing nothing. An Damien didn't either.

I stood up, " what's wrong with you two?!" I asked.

"How dare you raise your voice at not one but two Kings ! " She said.

"How dare you say what you did! How can you wish death upon someones child." I said.

She walked up to me, " I don't know who you think you are but I'm top head of business around here you don't speak to me that way!" She yelled in my face.

Just then my hearing something hurt my ear. I reached for my ear but then I stopped when I heard crying. Someone was crying, crying softly, crying out my name. Everything went in such a quick moment I don't know what happened . First I saw the woman's hand come up to push me as soon as she did I grabbed it snapped it. She dropped back onto the couch in fear an pain , her face was full of fear, and her glasses had fallen off. " You will never lay another hand on me, or raise your voice at my mother again! " My voice boomed so loud even my hearing stopped for a second. I could hear the woman crying and whimpering in fear.

"Good job! Good job!" King Randolf said.

Damien came up to me wrapping his arms around me trying to calm me down. I was so confused between what just happened, why Damien's arms are so inviting, and why King Randolf is clapping.

"Move aside boy!" He pushed Damien aside- getting a growl from him- grabbing me and spinning me." Wisdom she's our daughter! Our baby is back!"

I saw the lady get up fix herself , an crack her wrist into place. She walked over to me. Bending down on her knee," Ms.Lola this was all only to see if you were truly his daughter. I'm sorry for what I did to you and your mother. I pledge my allegiance to the future Queen. Never in my life will I raise my voice at you again. Its just that wolves no matter what remember things, even if the human form cant, you inside beast will." She got off one knee and left. As soon as she left out the door, Wisdom came in.

KIng Randolf and Wisdom hugged me, " We have so much to talk about darling." Wisdom said with tears in her eyes. "Yeah we all do." Said King Randolf.

After about 10 minutes they let me go to breathe , I walked down the hallway feeling relieved. I felt like I finally was at home. I walked into the kitchen . Grabbing a soda, " SO are you ahppy your parents found you?" Asked Damien in the doorway.

"Yes. Extremly, an I'm so glad its them. You don't know how hard it is for a orphan, or to not know your real parents. " I explained sighing. Walking over to the table I took a seat in the high chair. Damien came and helped me get into it. He squeezed himself between the next chair and me. "So you know what this means right? " He asked me.

"I get my family again? I get to ask them everything, I get to meet my grandmother an grandfather, I have a family." I teared up.

"No besides that." I stopped my joyful mood, an noticed his voice change.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"While you were here I was going to get you into college. London asked me through mind link but I was going to anyway. I wanted to do a lot for you. So I can make up for what I've done. To be a better mate. But now that your parents are here, you have to go with them. All the way to England or Spain your choice. An then soon take the throne there. " He explained. ' Honestly I hadn't thought about that. Leaving. That's what I wanted.... '

" You're still going to choose to leave with them aren't you? " Damien looked down at his hands. " I missed my chance? "

I nodded my head. "Ok." He lifted himself up off the counter beside me , gave me a quick kiss on the cheek an mumbled, "Good-bye Lola."

Even after he left my cheek still burned.


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