Chapter 13

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2 Months Later

I was the most excited person in the world, a werewolf college! My first day. London had texted me she'd be here too, with her bae, and that other people I know I might run into. The whole day went perfect until my last class of the day, creative writing.

I swiftly walked into class, all day everyone would stop and bow. Making me blush because I've never felt so important. My class was empty besides the teacher and I. I was so high in the clouds that I just took a seat. Placing down my large notebook. "Hello Princess Lola. " Immediately I looked up to the teacher writing on the boardwalk , I didnt need him to turn around for me to know it was him.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked biting my lip.

" Ive been teaching here since I was 18, my dear." Damien turned smiling at me. My heart thumped in my chest.

" I didn't know you were a teacher? " I yelled in a whisper.

"You never asked. " He replied.

Then the first student came in. A blonde with a big butt. " Hello professor." She glanced at me and rolled her eyes. She sat on his desk legs open.

My head cocked to the side. I felt heat rolling off of me. "Hello Evy Chambers. "

" So I think I might need some extra tutoring I heard you and your wife are over. I knew the day would come."

I was up and next to Damien in a flash , I couldn't even think before I did what I did. My arms were around Damien snuggling into him. 'Great' I thought in my mind to my wolf.

The girl gasped dramatically. "Thirsty much?" I heard her say flipping her hair. I turned to glare at her and she whimpered retreating to a seat in the back.

"Lola..... its best you let go my wolf ....... likes what you did too much ...." He whispered looking down at me with so much emotion we just stared. Then someone walked in I let go and sat in my seat. Through out the whole class i cussed my wolf out and the girl kept glaring at me.

After school I waited for my father but , a black truck drove up in front of me. The window didnt have to be rolled down fo rme to know it was him. I went around and got up front.

"Im guessing my dad sent you? Because we havent seen each other in months?" I asked Damien.

"Yeah plus I've been wanting to see you." My face got a little red so I just looked out the window.

"So how was your first day of college?" He asked.

"Fun, lots of cute boys." I smiled looking over at him.

"Well same for me lots of hot professors. " He chuckled.

I dont know why but it didnt look like it effected him the way it effected me. I got angry.

He glanced over at me, "Im just kidding Lola your the only one for me. That I have eyes for each morning and each night your the last and first thing that comes to mind." I looked over at him we were at a light , this was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

I wanted to say it back but the words couldn't come out. Did he really even mean it? Probably not I'm sure there's plenty women he can have.

After 3 minutes of peaceful silence I turned to him with anger," Why didnt you say goodbye the day I left? No goodbye, no fuck you, no anything. "

"You were being taken from me and I know it was for the best for now. But I didn't want to see that." I calmed a little.

Another 20 minutes passed. I kept glancing at his handsome features. "Lola you do know the reason why your acting the way you do right?" He asked .

"How am I acting?" I asked back.

" Your extra clingy and wanty. Your demanding kind of feeling bi-polar?" He asked.

"Well yeah how do you know that?" I asked back.

He chuckled ," Your wolf and body want sex." Just then the car stopped and he was looking at me. My face was beet red. "WH-what do you mean?"

"After we did it the first time  your want for me got more its been a long time and by now any day soon..." He pointed his finger at me." You're going to jump out of your clothes onto me." He cracked up. My mouth opened and I jumped when the door was opened by my personal butler.

"Hello madam and King. " He bowed. "You have company Madam. " He gave a hand to the door.

" Call me ," Damien said as I got out. "Bye love." I walked up to the catsle door in a daze. I felt super heated and now a little cold that Damien was gone. All I wanted to do was jump in bed and dream about him. God ...why was he so addictive? Why was I so attracted to the mate that kidnapped me? And isn't it crazy how Im kind of really glad it happened.......

Damien your such a sexy asshole.....

This may be the last chap i post on wattpad .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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