chapter 3~

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*Later That Night

        'I was actually getting very comforatble. I know I sound stupid. But it happens when your mate is like the hottest alpha even though he kidnapped me, he had an offer I couldn't refuse. Though I havent really seen anyone in the house, that's pretty good because me and female wolves so far don't get along. Not to mention these are the first wolves I met ever, I wonder how you tell the difference, I'll have to ask Marilyn. '

   Walking down the hall behind Damien he kept talking and I kept fantasizing out him and me. Until he turned,"Have you listened to a word I said?" I blinked several times.

   He sighed ," Can I ask you something?" He asked uncovering his eyes, which he seems to do alot.

"Uh.... I guess?" I replied.

   "Who are your parents?" I turned my head and stared at the floor, he walked up to me lifting my chin. I saw so much emotion and love in his eyes, I snatched my head away turning my back to him. 'I am acting like such a bitch.'

   "Right..too quick?" He said lowly.

   "My parents died when I was younger . SO no I don't know much about wolves or mates, they just told me that to never give up on mine."

   "SO why did you deny me?" I heard him mumble.

   "'s getting late. I'm sort of tired." Right on que I yawned.

   "Right ," Said Damien as he turned for the door opening it. "This will be yours and Tracy's room. " I walked past just about to go in when Damien said," One more thing, don't ever feel you have to lie to me. That's one thing I hate." 'Me too'

   "Good night Lola." He said shutting the door.

    I turned scanning the room seeing two large king sized beds. One purple and one blue, with a crown on them. While scanning it took me a minute to notice someone in the corner looking in the mirror pulling up a piece of curl. With brown long hair, and wearing kind of droopy skinny pants. 'Are those boxers?'

  They had on a tight shirt, but their backs were facing Me. And they were wearing heels. Then they turned and shrieked, eyes wide. And on their ears were ear buds but thats not the scary part. 'Why is "she" wearing lip stick thats smeared and has a manly face. Either she's really a boyish looking girl or this is a gay boy.

   "Look-" They started to say in a guy voice, but I put up my hand as if saying 'No, I don't even want an explanation.'

  Then they started to walk towards me but failed when their heel went to the side hurting them from  the looks of it. I walk over and helped them up. "Are you ok?" I ask.

   "Yeah....?" He said looking in my eyes. "I'm Terrance. "

"Yah know it's ok I cool with gay people." I smiled sincerly.

"NO look you took it the wrong way. My gi-" He looked back. "I mean my friend made a bet with me and I had to dress like a girl." I raised my eye brow.

     The girl emerges from the bathroom,"What have you done don't you know how long I've worked on your nails?!" She had long blonde mixed with brown highlights in her hair. Reaching her elbow , with some one direction pajama pants on, and red shirt. She walks over pushing Terrance out the way. "What have you done to her , poor baby." She takes my head and buries it in her chest even though she's about 3 inches shorter than me.

  "Are you ok?" She asked taking both my cheeks in her hands. 'Is everyone so affectionate here?'

   "I'm London, but my family calls me Tracy or fee-fee or pika-chu." She smiled brightly.

   She turned , "Ok time to go Terrance, unless you want to make another bet." By this time all the makeup was gone and the wig, revealing his nicely cut mohawk and shiny black hair. With hazel eyes. "Ok I guess I'll see you." He smiled and blushes, showing his white teeth with braces.

    At the door he said "Oh yeah nice meeting you...?"

    I turn,"The names Lola."

   He waved and shut the door. Turning to a now biting her lip on the bed with a thinking expression London. I stand and sit next to her on the pink bed. "Could I ask you something?"

    Londons blue eyes with hints of purple look up at me from under her bangs ,"Yeah sure..." Her voice is lower not as high or fun filled as with Terrance here.

     "It's about mates."

   "Ohhh I know all about them." She got hyper and blushed and how loud she was. "Sorry I don't have much girlfriends."

   I smiled." Me either."

   London beemed happy," SO what is it?"

    "ABout mates in general when you meet your mate you get all happy and excited correct?" I cocked my head to the side.

   London scanned my face," You know you are one beautiful girl? I'm jealous." She shook her head ,"Oh yeah stay on topic, um yes I would suppose."

    "SO is Terrance youur mate?"

   London looked up in alarm, "That's impossible." 'Her whole face is red.'

    'They are mates. And I just met them I must be a love expert it's written all over her face awww! And his face , too bad niether of them know. '

    "Nothings impossible."

  "SO you think I have a chance?" ASked London.

   "We'll see ." I say then wink at her before I go and laying down. With one last thought, 'How can I help someone else with thier mate and I supposidly don't want mine?'

      *Next morning

   I turn over to the smell of strawberry. So i glance down to notice London cuddling against me wearing bunny earrings. 'How old is she?'

   London opened her eyes, then flew off the bed. With a thump. "Oh yeah Im sorry I get scared sometimes." She stood up completly embarrssed.  'JUst like a little sister I always wanted.

   "It's fine." I laugh .

   Just then a ring tone came on , "5 Fingers to your face. what ! five fingers to your face. "

   London jumped up to go check then frowned. 'Must not be Terrance.'

   London turned to me," Damien says for me to take you shopping and to treat you like nothing but a princess." In a slow way.

'How come when ever some one talks about me and Damien they talk in a slow way! WHat does every one know but me? I feel like I'm the only one left out. Like they're having a deep thought about me and Damien. Maybe I should ask.'

   Though before I could London stopped making a confused face and unscrunched her face and said ,"CAn I ask you something?"

   "Yes?" I asked unsure.

   "Do you get feelings around Damien? Warm?" I looked up pushing back my hair.

   "Yeah he's my mate." She make a shocked expresion with her mouth making a 'o' .

  "Now can I ask you some questions?" She got up streching.

     London turned her back walking to the door. "Maybe later right now I should get in the shower before I fall back asleep. "


Author note:Yeah  so London is cool? Why do you think everyone has a slow thinking moment when Damien and Lola are talked about? Whats the big secret?

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