Planning the Date

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It was around 8:00 and I haven't been at home that long, by the only thing I was doing was homework. Darn me and my goody goody ways! Anyway my doorbell ring with its usual Ding-Ding-Dong-Ding pattern and I decided to answer the door. To my surprise it was Cameron in a burgundy shirt with beige pants smirking as I stood there blushing like crazy. I don't even know why I blushed it just happened! I guess I was just surprised by the fact he actually showed up.
"See? I'm making this date as real as possible since you know who will be there." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes at his flirtation.
"You better not be fooling me and he better be there you!" I said punching him slightly in the left arm. He pretended to cry and whine.
"Boo hoo princess, I guess I have to cry my pain out and leave you because I'm too good for you." He smirked breaking out of his act. I growled at him and he stopped and began laughing, literally laughing!
"Your lucky in willing to do this because I would have never dated you otherwise!" I said slamming the door behind me. He smiles at me putting his arm around me.
"You know you like me." He smirked playing a piece of dangling hair from my messy bun.
"I don't"
"Do too"
"Yes...wait s minute AHHHHH I always fall for that trick!" I yelled punching him again in his side. He laughed at my fails as we continued to walk to his car.
"Now here's the plan." Cameron said becoming a little more serious. "We have to eventually kiss each other before Parker leaves and maybe we can turn it into a little something extra." He said winking at me as he began to drive the car. I then threatened to kill him and he backed off like a small puppy as I laughed at his weakness. And then we were off to our fake date.

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