Daniels girl

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"Ah there she is, the one and only Mack back at it again with the red converse!" One of my friends that happens to be a it told me laughing.
         "For one, just because your name is Daniel doesn't mean you can use the joke revert day on me. Second of all, he joke is so old now!" I yelled punching him slightly in his right shoulder.
        "You wouldn't understand comedy when you saw it." Daniel stated proudly as if proving me wrong which he wasn't. Usually I just roll my eyes or punch him at his corny jokes. Today the punches will be even harder since it's the first day of school. Not only day, it's the first day of my Senior year! The worst year possible that seems to drag along at Lakeshore high. I have no hope of surviving this year of highschool, by Daniel and his corny jokes will always be there to save me.
"So ready for highschool Mack?" Daniel asked for once trying to be serious...or at least I hoped.
"No...all odds are against me as always plus I just broke my favorite skateboard since I was none so I'm not in a good mood." I poured slouching on the hard cold bus stop bench.
"Hey I bet odds will be up once your birthday comes around." He said smiling.
"Birthdays smh...those are just more miserable days to tell you that your getting older." I stated growling at the end.
"Come on cheer up its just school you used to..." Daniel stated until I interrupted him.
"Exactly! I used to like school by that was the old me. That was the old me that was possessed by Parker White..." I said shaking at the thought of him. Daniel sighed and shook his head.
"Parker White moved remember? And he was a player anyway. No girl of mine is allowed to date jerks like Parker White, especially if they ignored you purposely!" Daniel exclaimed as if a superhero trying to save the day.
I let out a laugh responding, "Since when was I your girl Daniel?" I asked still laughing. He smirked taking out a permanent marker and began writing on my arm. "What do you think your doing?" I asked a little scared.
"Relax you'll be fine just give me a minute." He said sticking his tongue or at me. When he finished he blew a kiss into the air mocking a stereotypical French artist and stepped back bowing as if my arm was a piece of art. On my right arm he had wrote, Property of Daniel;Daniels' girl ❤️ and all I could do is smile and blush a little. "That's my girl!" He smiled darkening the heart with red ink. And with that we went off onto the yellow school bus of doom sitting together in one raggedy bus seat ready to start our last year of high school.

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