Chapter 13 ~Enter the beast

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Golden eyes stared at her from the pitch black darkness, watching her as she slept. Her breath calmly making her chest raise and fall with ease. They watched her sleeping for nights now, making sure that the golden eyes had every which way blocked, trapping her.

It loomed over her in the darkness. Pulling the blanket off her slowly, not wanting to wake her just yet. Her clothing was a sight to see. A short and silky night gown is what she wore. Its slits came down to mid thigh on both sides as the trimmings were wrapped in black lace. The dress itself was a rose red with black cherry blossom designs flowing across the front. Thin black straps held the dress up on her shoulders. Tigress' fluffy white fur puffed up on her chest. Her arm laying across her thin figure. Oh how much this being wanted her for his own. The things that he could do to her... It drove him crazy just thinking about it.

Tonight will be the night that he'll take her, whether she accepted it or not. She. Was. His.

Quickly and silently her gripped her mouth to keep her from screaming. This awoken her and she began to struggle against him. With one paw against her throat, closing off her airways only enough for her to pass out, and another paw on her mouth to keep her quite. Luckily for Tigress the fool didn't know that she was a kung fu master from the jade palace. She swung her leg at the strangers side. Once it connected with their ribs, the force behind the kick slung him into the wall. With the chance to get away, she took it.

Leaping out of bed and jumped over the stair case, she headed for the front door. The mystery person on her heels. Tigress knew it had lunged and when he struck towards her, she ducked to the floor. The being bashing through the front door, smashing it into bits and pieces.

In the momentum of the door breaking, she lunged forward, landing on all fours before she sprinted away once more. Not once looking back. Just don't think about it and run she told herself. And that's exactly what she did. She ran through the woods, hoping that she'll run into a friendly face or find a hiding spot. Whichever came first was good enough for her right now.

She had been running until she couldn't run no more, not with her heart racing more than she was. She ducked behind a tree, trying to catch her breath. Even with her heavy breaths and her heart beating in her ears, she heard the being come to a halt. Tigress leapt into the branches above her. Their leaves will conceal her from this predator. He walked around, looking around every tree trunk and in a few trees but found that she wasn't there. Eventually he gave up. Or at least that's what Tigress assumed because he left after a short while.

Tigress tried to catch her breath, attempting to calm her racing heart. She sat on the thick branch with her legs pulled up to her chest. Who was that? What did they want from her?

Tigress is a grown woman, but considering she lived alone and hardly knew any males whom were taller, made it scary to find one such as that, in her home in the dead of night. What was she to do if they decide to come back, which seemed more likely since they chased her all the way from her home.

For now she should get some sleep... Even if that'll take her half the night to do. It was cold and spooky but it's better than getting kidnapped by some freak who likes to watch women sleep. That lead her to the question of how the trespasser even got in? Her troubled mind raced. Eventually she passed out sometime through the night.

Tai Lung walked rather quick to Tigress home. The house came into view. Unexpectedly the door, broken off its hinges, smashed to smithereens.

"Tigress?" Tai Lung calls into the house. No answer. He noticed a few things knocked out of place but it was the unsettling silence that started his panic. This isn't good.

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