Chapter 18 ~ Need Help?

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Shifu isn't disappointed that his students cannot find their commrade. It's just that she hasn't been seen at all since they've arrived.

As they wondered around in pairs, Shifu couldn't help but notice a familiar pelt ducking around the corner. Shifu walked alone unlike the others.

Besides just catching the pelt out the corner of his eye, he's felt an old aura. One he assumed was long gone since their last meeting.

Po and Crane are in the middle of town and have been keeping as sharp of an eye out as possible. There's surprisingly quite a lot of  tigers here. Most which seem to be male.

"Po, isn't it a bit strange to see so many tigers up here? I mean, weren't they driven out long ago? Practically disappearing."

"Well yeah that it is weird seeing a lot of them and not Tigress. Lets keep looking and-"


Po is snatched into the bushes of the edge of the forest. Crane immediately sets forth, flying through the leaves after Po and his captor. A minute or so passes before Crane catches up to them, knocking the being aside to release Po from their grip.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, but wait a second."

"Didn't think you were that strong bird." Tai Lung growls.

"I thought you leaving China." Po stutters.

"Well obviously I'm still here." Tai Lung gets up, "I'm trying to get Tigress out of that palace."

"Excuse me?" Crane says, "Tigress is getting married and you want to kidnap her. What kind if help is that?"

"What-? No. Tigress was living out on her own when strange things kept happening and then she disappeared. I was lucky enough to track her here. Besides, we all know that no man can handle her."

"Well he is right about that." Po admits. Crane nods, agreeing to it as well. "But why? Why do you want to help?"

"I owe a friend to find their daughter that they left at the Bao Gu. I don't know much about her past but I do know she was left there as a cub. For saving my life, I told them I'd help find her." Tai Lung explains.

"So you think she's their daughter?" Crane asks.

"Indeed. But that alone isn't why she needs to go. That man she's 'marrying' is a menace. He's going to use her until she's no longer needed. And unless you want you're friend dead, then help me."

"What exactly does he want from Tigress?" Po asks. He never thought someone would go after Tigress in such a manner. She's not the type of person to let this happen to herself.

"Lets just say he's a spoiled tyrant."

"Say we do help you, why should we trust you?" Crane states, narrowing his eyes at him.

"Because I earned Tigress' trust."

Po had to admit that he's right again. For someone such as Tai Lung himself to earn the great Master Tigress' trust is a major accomplishment. Everyone in the valley could agree. It stands for many things, especially change. Unless he's tricking her this entire time just to get closer to her.

Either way, Tai Lung seems to know what he's doing, and that he knows a lot more about this guy than they do. Thus this gives them no choice but to trust in the snow cat. Sighing to himself, Po spoke up and agreed.

"Fine. But if anything goes any kind of wanky, you better believe that I will sit on you...again. " He says, sticking his index finger at him. If he didn't know better, Po would call out that Tai Lung looked rather nervous when he threatened him.

The three headed back to Shifu and the others. Of course they freaked out, but once everything was explained they settled down. Shifu doesn't know how this will go but their goal is to get Tigress back from this man.

"I do hope you mean this honestly." Shifu says to Tai Lung once everyone is further ahead.

"I've always said you worry too much. I will continue to say this." he says, "I am not your student anymore. I am only here in the benefit of Tigress."

"Tigress, mmmm? Well, you've certainly changed to a certain extent. I'm sure she will appricate the help."

Tai Lung hums in response. Walking up the dirt path, balloons and kytes flew high above their heads. Streamers and such decorated all the homes and shops all down the streets. The small rivers bends calmly rippled as flower petals fell.

The festival lights up the night. The cobblestone mimicking the lanterns patterns and colors. Children watching puppet shows, people are enjoying themselves quite well. However, this is not what caught the snow cat's eye.

A tail of a certain tiger, disappearing behind a corner. You're not getting away that easily, he told himself.

Tai Lung slips away front he others, following the tigress. Always catching the white tip of her tail and not her fully. Sure this sent off alarms in his head, warning him that this is a trick. Yet he continues to follow.

The streets became less full as she turned here and there. The lights fading away the further he went. It grows colder, almost in complete silence if it weren't for their footsteps. That's when he knew this isn't Tigress at all. They're steps are much too heavy for a skilled master such as Tigress.

A thin needle cuts through the air, nearly cutting his cheek.

"Tai Lung. Master of a thousand scrolls." The male chuckles, throwing another one at him. The snow leapord easily dodged them.

"So you know who I am. Hooray. But you have not identified yourself."

"No need. By time I'm through with you, you won't be able to see my face."

Multiple people jump out of the bushes, running at him. A few big ones. Gorillas are indeed strong but they aren't very smart. A monkey or two and lots of tigers.

Then there's one out of the crowd that stood out to him. His bold white chest towered over a few others, and his speed isn't to be expected of him. He sighs inwardly. Help has arrived. 'Now let's see if they're dependable.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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