Chapter 14 ~ Help

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Since Tai Lung couldn't change Tigress' mind, he decided to revisit a couple of people.

His first stop will be the Jade Palace. Though, he knows he will not be welcomed with open arms, but it doesn't matter. This is for Tigress sake. Letting Shifu know what's happening to his best student can lead to them getting worried and coming to check up on her.

She won't like the idea of him going behind her back but it's the best thing he can think of.

In a week or so, he will be leaving for his mission. Tai Lung will be traveling through Japan to pick someone up for help, and then make his way to the Americas. Hopefully nothing bad will happen. Then again, his fear of her being kidnapped is stronger.

He shakes this feeling of uneasiness before jumping through the trees. He eventually comes to the path that leads up to the sacred Peach tree. Tai Lung silently walks up the stone steps. Instead of Shifu being there like he had hoped, Po stood in his place. Or rather, sat in his place.

Po turns to him, cheeks stuffed with peaches, drooling slightly. Tai Lung stares wide eyed at him. Unsure of what to do, he calmly speaks.

"Is Shifu around?"

Po spits all the peaches out in order to talk.

"Um...yeah- yeah he is."

"Do you think you can tell me where he is?"

"Well I uh, ya he the hall of heros. Yeah."


"Wait." Po says, stopping Tai Lung in his tracks. "Why are you here? How are you even alive at that? I thought-"

"I don't know the answer to that but it's vital that I speak with Shifu as soon as possible. It's about Tigress."

"Woah, what? Is she okay? What happened" Po rushed for answers.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down. I don't care if you listen in but I absolutely need to talk to him. Now." Tai Lung sternly says. Po is slowing him down, he needs to talk to Shifu.

"Let's talk then." Shifu says. Tai Lung and Po jump back in surprise. Only Po screamed.

"Master Shifu..." Po says.

"You seemed restless earlier so I came to find you. I just didn't expect you to be with him, out of all people."

"You're a little too calm right now." Tai Lung crossed his arms, staring down at his former master.

"Yes. Well I've been through a lot. Much, if not a of it caused by Po." Po whines at the statement. "But I have found inner peace because of it as well."

Tai lined his is lips, almost humming in agreement.

"Now I heard you mention something about Tigress. Is she all right?"

"For now yes. I'm not sure what has been going on with her new home but I don't like it. Things have been freaking her out- to the point that she ran out her own house in the dead of night. Whatever's stalking her has a way in her home." he paused before continuing, "I fear that rumor is true. The one about the women going missing over the past century."

"The one where women would move out onto their own, into this cute little house like the one she's in right now, and after a while of living there, things start to happen and they eventually disappear and are never heard from again? That rumor?"

Shifu and Tai Lung stare at Po before nodding.

"That's what I thought." Po thought for a moment, then spoke. "If she's in such danger, then why not come back here until it's all figured out?"

"I said that too." Tai Lung grumbled. "She was more worried if it'll even stop or if it would follow her here."

"Foolish I say." Said Shifu.

"True. But isn't she one of your best students?"


"And they've chased her out of her home, three miles away to be exact. I found her in a tree."

"Wow. I mean I know Tigress gets nightmares all the time but to actually have something terrifying like that to happen, I'd be scared too." Po chuckles nervously.


"Why the sudden interest in Master Tigress' safety?" Shifu ask Tai Lung.

"Because I'm actually attempting to turn my life around. Besides, she's the only one that hasn't tried to either kill me or scream and run away in fear. Now, since you know about her whole ordeal, I'm leaving."

Tai Lung did as he was planing to do. He left. Po and Shifu stood there for a few minutes contemplating on what they should do.

Po honestly wanted to go check and see if she's okay now. Though he thinks it can at least wait until the morning considering she's a light sleeper and the fact that she threw him through a wall the last time he tried to wake her up.

Master Shifu also thought about the goods and bads of the situation at hand. Much like Tai Lung, Tigress is also a warrior of pride. She would not allow herself to rely on others to help her in a problem she believes she can handle herself. What if something happens?

Shifu sighed aloud, startling Po. After being brought out if his thoughts, the panda looked towards his master for any sign of a plan. He looses hope soon after.

"Master Shifu? What are we going to do? We can't just leave her there. What if she gets hurt? Or-"

"I know Po. I'm just as worried as you but we can't butt into something that we don't have all the facts too. But I do want you and one of the others to check on her every few days. Make it as random as you can, that way the perpetrator doesn't know when you're coming." Shifu commands.

"Alright. I'll go with Viper in the morning." Po says as the two start to take their leave.

Once gone, a familiar old turtle appears. Smacking his lips together he hums.

"I'm afraid Tigress may need a little more help from an outside party." Oogway says, his words falling on deaf ears. He too is worried for the female tiger and what lays ahead for her and the rest of them.

He looks towards the stars, in such a way that he wish he could see a clear answer. That way he could help. But sadly enough, his mind's eye can only see so far. Oogway just hopes that they'll be able to stop this evil doer on time.

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