Chapter 5

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Kittys POV

Ok so I know that I sound like a wimp for not liking hour films but there is a reason. When I was about urmm 10 I think there was this older girl who bullied me, i couldnt tell chase, even if I did it wouldn't matter if he tried to stick up for me then his friends would laugh at him for beating up a girl. Ok so this older girl, Jerri, she used to drag me into the school toilets and then beat me up until I was bleeding or bruised but basically she wanted my lunch money, I went without lunch for a long, long time. It only stopped when a teacher heard me crying and caught her punching me. she was expelled soon after but still the thought of blood and other similar things bring back memories, bad memories.

Anyway so back to today. Me and Katie are shopping in town, and she is basically taking the biscuit about me and Chase being together. She is my most let's say, unique friend.

" so Kitts, have you kissed him yet?"

" No, anyways what's with all the questions?"

" A) you are a terrible liar. B) stop trying to change the subject. "

" fine yes I have. Oh and I have to ask you something." I asked cautiously and only when she nodded I continued. " I've been having a lot of crazy dreams latly but they feel real. Any ideas?" i asked her, her and her family are very well they can tell whether dreams have meanings, I know I know your gonna think I'm crazy for believing then but once I had a crazy dream about me falling of a cliff and her mum told me it meant I would break my leg at some point in the future.the next day I broke my leg.

" ok so what happened in the dream?" she asked slowly.

" well it sounds stupid but basically me and you, Chase and Kyle were, well we were uggggh we were like gods or something, and we had powers, it was weird, we were fighting something. "

" odd I've had that dream, I think that the other two might have and if they have then I think we need to talk to my mum."

" ok I'll ring Chase get him to bring Kyle and meet us at SHOP ZONE" I said slighty freaked out.

" ok but why SHOP ZONE?" she asked.

" cos it'll make 'em super uncomfortable. " I said giggling. I took out my phone and rang Chase, one hour later he was sitting next to me in a cafe and across from Kyle and Katie.

" yeah I've had that dream a few times." said Chase hesitantly.

" me too." added Kyle.

" well then I think we need to talk to Katies mum don't we Katie?" I said shocked and confused.

" yeah let's go." she said getting up. We got a taxi( Kyle has this thing about buses, don't judge him )

Katies POV

Some crazy craps been goin' down lately which is why we need to talk to my mum.

" MUM WE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" I shouted as soon as I had opened the door, leaving Chase to close the door.

" What about honey?" she asked sweetly before acnolaging my friends with a nod of her head.

" all of us have had the same freaky dream." Kitty burst out after a long silence.

" really what about?" my mother asked shock clearly clouding her face.

" well we are all stood there, all four of us, we are like gods or something, we all have powers and we are fighting something." I explained as clearly as possible.

" well sit down in the lounge, we can discuss this further." she replied. We all followed her into the living room and squeezed onto the sofa. My mum sat on the arm chair. There were different books littering the coffee table, my mum rummaged through them, until she found a book called 'the prophecies of the Elements.'

" ok ok so can you all remember who possessed which power from the dream?"

" Yeah, I had urrm nature I think, Kitts had fire, Kyle had air, and Chase had water" I replied and the others nodded. " hmmm ok well in this book there are five prophecies all of them linked to four teenage friends, all of them clever and protective let's say, I think that these teenagers are you. " she said nodding thoughtfully. Then she began to read.

" ok the first prophicy.

The four of them,

True best friends,

Protective bonds,

That have no ends,

They refuse to believe what others say,

When they try to make things go another way."

there was a long silence when she had finished reading in which we all shared glances. Before Chase finally spoke. " that's us, sounds like us anyway."

" ok so moving on to the next prophecy." my mother continued to read.

The one of them with bright red hair,

She is anything but unfair,

She has a temper as quick as fire spreads,

This is the element she will posses,

She is the one who realises first,

The great adventure they all will take,

The great adventure without a break.

" I think that, that points to me." Kitty said before my mother continued to the next prophecy.

The one that then reveals his feelings,

To the love of his life,

Who is the one who controls fire,

He is the one who master the great waves,

And everything in them,

He is the one to bring them together,

When they are falling apart,

He will make it better.

" that's you Chase." and as I said this I realised him intertwine his fingers with Kittyand a small smile appeared on her lips as they exchanged a glance.

" next one" my mother continued slowly taking her time.

The third of them,

A great best friend,

With a love of nature to the end,

Will surly be the one to make it be known,

Of the great destiny,

To be the ones to save the whole of the magical dimention.

" thats you Katie " said Kitty who was looking a little pale.

" onto the last prophecy, Kyle this is yours. "

The last of them with a heart of gold,

Although sometimes he can't express it,

Is the one who can cheer them all up,

However old they are,

He will always make them laugh,

Through the hardest of times,

Again he is a true best friend.

" cool" Kyle breathed and it was obvious he was holding his breath. Kitty I noticed still looked very pale, intact she looked even paler than before.

" Kitts are you ok?" I asked concern etched into my voice.

" urrm I'm fine's just a lot to take in."

" come on we'll get ya some water." I said and slowly she stood up but then she fell uncontous to the floor.

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