Chapter 28

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empty, that's all I feel. Empty. I can't take it, I almost got over this feeling after Jet, I started to feel more like me. But now, I've lost myself again, I'm not staying in my room, I'm eating, but only so that they don't worry, I act normal, I don't feel it but I refuse to make them all feel like crap again.


Kitty's depressed again, I understand, she lost a baby, but I'm worried, I'm actually more worried than if she'd locked herself in her room again, she just rushes round, avoids eye-contact and when and if she speaks she rushes as if she thinks that if she speaks any slower or takes too long something bad will happen.


" JET!" I screamed I he ran breathless towards me, how did I not know he died, I mean I knew Kitty was depressed but I thought it was because of being pregnant and then she was getting better, then she lost it and she got depressed all over again.

" JINNY!" he cried running to me and giving me a huge hug.

" not to me insensitive lil' bro, but when did you die?"

" about a week ago, I've been watching them, I'm worried about Kitty, she's depressed again after she lost the baby, I'm going out of my mind!"

" she's fine, keeping herself busy." I comforted him, he was panicking.

" ok, so hey havn't seen you in a while. " he chuckled.

" yeah took five years for one of you to be stupid enough to die. " I laughed.

" oh haha, how was I supposed to know someone put Tycrolite in my drink."

" Tycrolite, seriously, anyone can smell that stuff a mile off. " I scoffed.

" yeah I know, but I was preoccupied. " well yeah but still it was still daft.

" you want to go get some food?" I asked.

" yeah sure." he shrugged.

we walked down to a little Italian place i found on my first day, being ghosts everything is free and people just do jobs for something to do, Nates family owns this resteraunt, thats where i met him.

" Oooooooooo yay Italian!" yelled Jet. I laughed at him as we went inside.

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