Chapter 6

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Kittys POV

Ouch my head hurts. This has been the weirdest day ever.

" hey Kitts you ok?" I recognise that voice, it was Chase. I looked up at him my eyes blurry.

" urrmm yeah think so my heads a bit dizzy though." I said as I sat up.

" good ya gave us a scare there, here drink this. " someone passed me a glass if water and only then did I notice the other three people in the room, Katie, her mum and Kyle. " thanks" I said as I took a sip " what time is it?" I asked realising it had gone dark outside Katies house.

" it's nine, thirty-five." said Katies mum.

" you want a lift home?" Chase asked " my mums fetching me in fifteen minutes, she'll take you home."

" yeah thanks Chase" I said and noticed how groggy I sounded.

" listen guys I don't think you should tell anyone about this, not even your parents." said Katies mum.

" why?" asked Kyle.

" urmmmm well maybe because it is a bit unbelievable and we may be treated like aliens and oh yeah maybe they might try to kill us and urrrm then we'd be dead." I replied sarcastically.

" oh right yeah, ouch Kitty your words hurt sometimes." Said Kyle sheepishly rubbing his chest over his heart.

" sorry." I said quietly, " it's just getting to me a bit. "

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