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Jerome's Pov:

I walk off the plane and text Choco that I am here, since his flight was only an hour. He replies and tells me to meet him and the Starbucks at the west corner. I hurry and grab my stuff then walk off to go find Choco.

I find him and I see him two other people next to him. As I get closer I realize it is Matt and Rob.

(J: Jerome, N: Matt, C: Choco, R; Rob)

J: Hey guys.

C: Finally, now we have to wait about 11 more hours for Lachlan and 7 for Simon and Josh.

R: We have just been sitting here drinking coffee for the past half an hour.

N: I am going to die with how much caffeine I have drank.

J: Then why did you drink so much?
N: I have been awake for two days straight, I am not breaking my streak.

R: I told him he needs to sleep but he refuses...
N: No sleep.... You know what never mind.....

I think the caffeine wore off because his head hit the table and he was out like a light.

J: Well so much for staying up.....
C: I am just happy he is asleep.

R: He is going to go crazy.
C: I think he all are...
J: I agree with you there. I mean we didn't call the police about the kidnapping...
R: I don't see the point. They will not be any help. They only look for 24 hours before going back to do "important" things.

C: I guess. But I would rather do it with my friends by my side.
J: Guys, What are we going to tell the viewers?
R: We are taking a vacation.

C: When we get to wherever we are staying, we should do that.
J: But what about Pete, Kenny, Mitch, Vikk, and Preston?

C: I know Kenny's Password I will upload one for him.
R: I will do the same for Preston.

J: I am stupid, I can do that.
R: I think Matt got Pete. Then Lachlan got Vikk's

~~Time Skip Till Everyone is there~~

(L: Lachlan, R: Rob, Je: Jerome, N: Matt, C: Choco, S: Simon, J: Josh)

L: Where are we staying, I am really tired.

N: Ummm......

R: Are you still drunk from the caffeine?
N: No, I know where we can stay. At no cost.....
S: I think he is bluffing...
Je: I do to.
N: Find I guess we can stay on the streets.
C: No, we are sorry.
N: Find a car that can hold all of us and I will drive us there.

We get a van and Matt starts to drive somewhere. After a while of looking at mountains and field, it was a very pretty sight. We spotted some houses.

J: Are we almost there?

N: Yes, now be patient.

About 5 more minutes, Matt pulled into a driveway. We get out of the car, and see a fine looking house. It was two stories, color was red and white.

S: Matt, What is this?
N: A house I bought, I was going to move in so I could be closer to Brandon. And made have him move in.

C: Awww, that Is sweet.
N: Yea.... Well there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms. I may have bought this house about a year ago. So I finished the basement. That adds on two more rooms. So there are five rooms all together then the couches and there are some fold out beds hidden in the living room.

S: That is a lot of room for two of you.
N: Thinking ahead.....
J: Okay this guy is way too romantic!

S: That is just cute.

N: Well, I will sleep on one of the couches.

J: I will sleep on a couch to.

N: So that means that the rooms are for you five.

Matt walks up to the door and he opens it to reveal a very nice modern decorated house.  

(It is not that big, but it was the only picture that got my idea across and that I liked)

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(It is not that big, but it was the only picture that got my idea across and that I liked)

Je: Holy crap!

C: Wow, never thought of you as a fancy type.

N: This is not fancy, it is modern. There is a difference.
S: How did you get all of this?
N: I bought the house for cheap, It was rundown and old, but with the help of some of my friends. We turned it into this. So the majority of this house was built buy my hands. That is why everything is nicer.
J: You need to come to the SideMen house.
S: We can't even change a light bulb without someone getting hurt.

L: It is funny to watch.

N: Okay, well one bathroom is downstairs, second up stairs. The bedrooms downstairs are to the right, but then there are two other doors to the right and those are offices.
R: I might get lost in here.
N: Haha funny. So who wants up stairs?
C: I would like one.
R: I would rather had down stairs.
Je: Me too.

N: Okay, So Rob and Jerome down stairs. Myself and Josh on one of the couches. So that leaves Simon, Lachlan and Choco upstairs.

L: That works.

Matt shows us where the rooms are and we all settle down to sleep.  

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now