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Kenny's Pov:

Everything hurt, my whole body, Pete was carfully holding onto me as I cry into his blood dry blood cover shirt.

After a really long while I started to calm down and I say up, but squeaked in pain.

"Just take it easy, okay."

I nod my head and I lean against Pete. We relax for a little while until we hear the door open and close. Pete pushed me behind me. Soon the stranger comes into fee with cloths, blanket and food in his hand.

"You are going to be staying here for a long while, might get comfy. The stranger walks closer to us and sets the things on the floor, he then leaves but comes back a second latter with a first aid kit, he then leaves and doesn't come back. Pete immediately grabs the first aid kit, he sits me up and cattily takes off my bloody shirt. He grabs a cloth and starts to clean up the blood off, when he is done with that he grabs the alcohol puts it on a bother cloth.

"This is going to hurt and I am sorry."

He carefully starts to rub it over my back. I hiss in pain and he says sorry. After a while of running the alcohol over my back the pain goes away. So Pete then wraps my torso is a wrap and takes the light grey shirt and pulls it over my head.

"It that better?"
"Yea, now turn around."

He does as I as and I hurry and put the new sweats on.

"Okay, I am good."

He turns around and smiles.

"Your turn."

Petey shakes his head no am moves away from me. I move closer to him.

"Ummm.... I was whipped arms, legs back, stomach. Also it has a while ago, they would be closed. A little bit."
"Can I at least look at the once on you stomach and back?"

He lets out a sigh and tears the rest of his ripped shirt off. I let out a light gasp as I look at him. He was hot kidding when he said he was hit everywhere. I trace my hand skin his back and he helps in pain.

"Pete....Why did you not show us these before? Preston could have cleaned them."
"Because I don't need you guys to worry about me, I am fine."
"No Brandon, your green blood is everywhere and they look infected. I am cleaning them and you are not stoping me."

He doesn't move you say anything he just sits there. I grab on of the tags and pour some of the water from the water bottle on it. I start to dab it on Petes back and he his hisses in pain and holds back a screech. I continue this process for the while top part of his body, and he had a few stay tears running down his face in the end. I then pour the rubbing alcohol on a clean rag and start to clean it again, this time Pete does screech. I do this for the whole upper part of his body and at the end he was crying hard. I quickly wrap him in a clean white wrap and hug him. It is over.

"No, I still have to do my legs."

I sigh and I help Pete put on a dark green shirt. I turn around and I hear Pete start to clean the cuts on his legs. I hear him screech and cry. After a long with I hear him stand up.

"I am done....and that hurt like crap!"
He states.
I nod my head in understandment. I stand up to and I walk over to the blackest and food.

"Here let's lay out some of these blankets and we can lay on them, then have two to cover our self with."
"Sounds like a great idea."
Pete replied.

There were 10 blankets in the pile, so we lay down 8 of them to make a little bit of bedding on the hard floor, we the throw the other two on to if them. We then look at the food plate. It was not potatoes it was a turkey sandwich. I take a small bit from it and Pete dose the same.

It was actually pretty good, I ate about half of it and take a drink of water from the water bottle. I look over at Pete so see him still stand there.

"Pete are you going I eat any of it?"
"I don't know, he didn't feed me like he feed you guys ."

I move towards him and I place my arm around this shoulder.

"I know, but I would like you to not starve to death, so can you eat a few bits?"

Pete nods his head and picks up his sandwich and takes about 4 bits before pla ring it back in the plate and drinking dorm of the water.

We help each other stand up and we walk over to our makeshift bed. I lay down and Pete lays next to me. I place my arms around Pete I feel him fall asleep, I soon follow.

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now