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Brandon's Pov:

I open my eyes and sit up. With the pain in my back still there, so when I sat up pain shot up my back. I look around the room to try and see if the stranger was in the room. He still had my glasses so it was almost impossible for me to see. I could tell that there was no one in the room, but there was a table in the corner. I stand up, ignoring the pain, and I walk over to the table. I get there and I start feeling the items. I feel my glasses and put them on. I smile, being able to see again was great. I look down at the table and I see. Two knifes, shots, gauze, and wraps.

I suddenly hear the door open, and I turn around to see the stranger standing there with a little smirk on his face. I secretly pick up one of the knifes, and hold it behind my back. As he walks closer to me.

"So I see that someone found their glasses."

" Yep, I did!"

" So how did you like getting whipped?"

" It was amazing!"

" So I should do it again."

I smile at him and he walks a little bit closer. I throw the knife and it grazes his right arm and gets lodge into the wall. The stranger looks at his bleeding arm and smiles. I pick up the second knife and hold it in front of me.

"So someone found their courage."

" yes I did, if you come any closer I will throw it at your head!"

" You couldn't kill anyone Brandon."

" Y...yes I could."

" No, you couldn't but I could."

I look at him and I drop the knife.


" No, I killed one of them."

I fall to my knees and cry. I hear the Stranger come closer to me and he picks up the knife. He pushes it against my neck.

"Do you want to know who I killed?"

" No, I don't."

" Awww, well too bad. Because I killed the little Vikky, right in front of all of them."

The tear start running down my face fast and I grab the knife out of the stranger's hand and push him onto his back. Grabbing his right wrist, I pin it to the ground, and drive the knife though his hand.

He pushes me off of him and takes the knife from me. He then looks at his hand and laughs.

"You are going to get it big time!"


" We will see about that Brandon!"

He walks out of the room and I cry into my slimy hands, as I fall onto my knees.

After about 10 minutes he comes into the room with three goons, chains, and a metal collar. Two of the goons come over to me and pull me to my feet, they then pin my arms to my side. The stranger and the other goon walk over to me with the chain and metal collar. The stranger places the collar around my neck and connect one end of the chain to it, and locks it into place. Then, with the help of the third goon starts to wrap it around my body. Tightly. When he is done, the chain is wrap around my shoulders to the end of my hands, locking my arms to my side. He locks them in place and the two goons let go of me, and pushes me to my knees.

"You are going to get punished for your actions."

"Don't care."

The stranger smiles and walks away to grab the whip. He hits the back of my neck, I stay silent. He then goes down to my back hitting it fast and hard, multiple time, till is see a pool of green blood around me. I don't make a sound and I think it was starting to peeve of the stranger. Because he goes and states to whip me on the chest. Starting to cry but I still stay silent. Two of the goons make me stand and hold me up at the strangers starts to hit my legs.

After about an hour of him whipping me. I finally give in.

"Okay, I have had enough stop please!"

I states as tears stream run down my face

He ignores me and keeps hitting me.

"Please, please stop!"

He smiles and looks at me. The goons let go of me and I fall to my knees. So I was kneeling in a pool of my blood, and my vision starts to fade black

"So you finally speak."

"Yes, please stop."


He the goons grab me again and I start sobbing as they hold me up to keep standing. As my vision keeps fading. I scream every once in awhile but most of it was begging him to stop. After about another half hour I went slack and the goons were now fully holding me up, as my vision goes black for a moment. When it starts to come back I beg again.

"Please!? I beg you!"

The goons drop me again and I land on my back and yelp in pain. They all laugh!

"I am done. Pick him up he is going to see the others."

I cry out in pain as one of them pick me up, and I get thrown over their shoulder.  

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now