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Preston's Pov:

We were sitting in silence, when we suddenly hear a scream and

"Please, please stop!"

I hear other muffled words and then the screaming starts again. I start to cry and Mitch put his arms around me.

After about half hour we hear

"Please!? I beg you!"

There was then silence and the door opened. We saw the stranger walk in with three other goons. And the one closest to the door there was Peter thrown over his shoulder. I look at the stranger and I see that he has a wrap around his right arm.

"What happened to your arm, and hand?" I ask.

"Brandon here drove a knife though my hand then dragged it up my arm."

"Petey would never do something like that." I hear Vikk say.

Pete moves on the goons shoulder and the goon puts him down on the ground he faces us and I gasp at the sight. He was covered in green blood and he had chains on his upper body. I see tears running down his face and he looks up at the stranger.

(B: Brandon, P: Preston, V: Vikk, M: Mitch, K: Kenny S: Stranger)

B: You said that you killed him. No wait this is a dream.

Brandon closes his eyes and he starts rocking back and forth.

P: Wait you told him you killed one of us?!

S: yea, and I got a great reaction out of him, better than I thought.

The stranger knees next to Brandon and touches his face, Brandon opens his eyes with a panic and moves his face away from the hand.

B: You killed him, I though you killed him!? Are you lying to me, were you lying to me?

V: Petey.... Who did he say he killed?

B: He killed you Vikky. And I crazy or are you there?

M: Pete her is not dead.

K: None of us are.


S: Yea, I did it so I had a "reason" to hurt you. And you gave me a great reaction.

He states with a little smirk.

The stranger then grabs onto Pete and he pulls him closer to us. Soon he was right next to us and he was covered in blood and tears.

S: I think I broke him, have fun fixing him.

The stranger walks out of the room and I slowly move closer to Petey. lucky his glasses didn't fall off so he was able to see me.

P: Petey? Are you okay?

B: No....I though that Vikk was dead. And then I was whipped.

Vikk moves closer to him and embraces him in a soft hug.

V: I didn't die. I am right here.

,B: I know that know, but I though that you actually did die...

K: And that person had no rights to make you think that.

Soon we were all next to Peter. And he just sat there. Suddenly the stranger came back into the room with some keys. He unwrapped the chains around his body. We saw a metal collar around his neck that held on of the ends of the chain. The Stranger left the collar on and connected the other end of the chain to the wall.

The stranger walked out and I looked at Peter again. It looked like he has lost more weight than us, and he was covered in blood. There there were deep indents of where the chains where in his arms.

He looks at all of us and then starts to cry.

K: Shhh, Petey. We are here we are all right. You are alright.

He doesn't answer. 

Vikk wraps him in a hug again and Pete wraps his blood stained arms around Vikk and cries into his shirt.

V: We got you.
B: I don't want to loose anyone of you.
V: We know, and we are sorry that he made you think that he killed me.
B: I am fine...I think....
K: You don't have to be tough around us Petey.
B: I am not a tough person any ways.
M: Yes you are, you just got the living day light beaten out of you are you are semi-okay.
P: And you are on of the toughest people I know.

I lifts his head up off of Vikk's shoulder with a little smile.

B: Really?
V: Yes.
B: Thanks you guys.
K: No problem.
B: Now I have a question, What are you guys? I know that Preston is a Lava mod and Kenny is a wolf what are you guys?
M: Dog.
V: Cat, or as the stranger puts is Kitten.
B: You are both so cute.

Peter says as he starts to rub Vikk's and Mitch's head. I hear Vikk purr and Mitch lets out a happy little yelp. He takes his hand away from Mitch's head, Mitch blushes. Then he goes to remove his hand from Vikk's head but Vikk lets out a little whine and pushes his head into Peter's hand. We all laugh and Peter continues to rub Vikk's ears and head. Vikk soon curls up him his lap and falls asleep.

B: Is it me, or is he smaller.
M: Na, he is the same height, he just knows how to make him self smaller.
K: getting use to being a slime?
B: I think I am doing fine? You guys?
P: I Am getting okay with it.
K: kinda don't like the better hearing...
B: Why.
K: Ummm...Hearing you scream...
B: I am sorry, pretend I never asked that.
K: You are fine.
B: Mitch?
M: I am fine, don't like the super hearing.
P: You guys do like it when we pet you.
K: yea....
M: We know....

Kenny and Mitch both blush a little bit and we laugh. I see Peter pull on the collar.

P: You okay?
B: Yea, this thing is just bugging me. I feel like I am choking.
M: Sorry Petey.
B: It is fine.

I yawn and I lay my head on the ground. I see Pete pick up Vikk and he walks over to the wall, He sits down again and I see him cringed in pain. But he continues, soon he was leaning against the wall with Vikk in his lap still.  I look at him and he jesters for me to come over to him. I stand and he turn and tells Kenny and Mitch to come to.

P: Do you need something Peter?
B: I just don't want you guys to be so far away. I feel like...something bad will happen....
M: You are fine. But I feel more safe when you are all closer to me.
K: Same.

I go to lay my head on the grounf again but Peter stops me.

B: Why don't you find a place on my leg that is not bloody and you can lay your head on my leg.
P: Are you sure?
B: Yea.
P: There are some towels on the cart that we can reach I can just sleep on those.
B: No, it is fine, but you can put it over my leg.
P: Okay, thanks bro.

I hurry and grab a towel but I end up grabbing two. So I hand it to Mitch and he lays it on Peter's shoulder, and rest his head on his shoulder. Kenny rests his head on Mitch's leg and they were soon both asleep. I rest my head against the towel on Peter's leg and soon I was asleep too.

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now