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Kenny's Pov:

I push the Stranger off of Pete

"Keep away." I tell him before I kneel next to Pete, He throws his arms around me.

"I am sorry, I am very sorry."

"You are fine Pete, you just saw a hallucination, I would be acting the same way as you." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his midsection.

Suddenly I feel a hand go around my neck and I get pulled away from Pete. I crane my neck to see the Stranger. I start to struggle and the Stranger squeezes my neck.

Pete goes to stand up but only fails.

"Please, I beg you. Please put him down."

"What is that Brandon?"

"I beg, I beg you please put him down and please don't hurt him."

I get pushed to the ground on my knees but the Stranger doesn't let go, instead he tightens his grip. I start too pull at his hand.

"Why would I do that Brandon Hutt!"

I see tears running down his face and I hear people yelling at the Stranger though the camera.

"I don't know there is no reason, besides me sitting here begging you."

"A few minutes ago you didn't care what happened to them, you hated him."

"That is because of you! But I have some new friends that helped.t"

I see a smile on Pete's face and the Stranger's grips tightens again.

"Let me see you beg again."

Pete sits up on his knees and puts his hands together and bows his head a bit.

"Please, let him go."

The stranger smirks and pulls me closer to Pete but doesn't let go of my neck, The Stranger then picked up Brandon by his bloody shirt."

"But I don't want to."

I saw Pete's first connect with the Strangers face and he lets go of me and Pete, Pete fell back onto his knees and I feel on my back trying to breath again. Pete pulled me behind me and stood tall on his knees. I look at Pete with surprise and when the Stranger stands up I see his nose bleeding.

"Pay back for Vikk's Bloody nose." Pete states I laugh a bit. When Pete woke up after his transformation he asked what happened, we told him nothing besides Preston getting restrained to the table and The Stranger gave him a bloody nose.

I see a fire go into the Stranger's eyes and he calls in two goons. One picks me up and the other Keeps Pete is his place. The goon holding me takes out two metal cuffs and two short chains. He puts the cuffs on my wrists and then attaches the short chains to it. He then attaches the left one to the wall and then the right. I sit there and the goon that chained me walked out of the room and the one holding Pete follows. The stranger then starts to circle Pete. Pete starts to crawl towards me but the stranger grabs his left ankle and Pete screams and turns to look at him.

"You are going to pay for that." The Stranger then bends Pete's foot in a weird positon and Pete screams as I hear a snap.

I hear Matt and the others yelling at me to stop. I even start to tell him to back off.

The Stanger lets go od Pete's ankle and Pete curls up into a little ball holding his left ankle.

"Did that hurt? Because if you don't set it into the right position you will have a really hard time walking."

The stranger then pins Pete's hands above his head and takes out a knife and starts to cut up Pete's right ankle.

After a while Pete's whole foot was covered in cut marks, and Pete was holding back tears.

"Aww...come on Brandon I want to hear you cry."

The stranger then drives the knife into Pete's side and he screams.

"This is what happened to Rob right?"

Pete nods his head still holding back tears.

"His mouth was also sown shut right?"

"Don't you dare do that to him!" I yell.

The stranger looks at me and smirks then looks back at Pete. He takes the knife out of his side and put pressure of his wrist.

"No, No. Ahhhh!" Pete screams as the Stranger breaks both of his wrists.

"That is what Matt did to you."

The stranger then puts the knife into his other side and Pete screams again.

"Then you did get a knife to the side right?"


"Vikk got a beating."

The stranger then stands up and kicks Pete in the chest, Pete moves his arms to give him cover but the Stanger keeps kicking and hitting him. Soon enough Pete was in tears and we were all yelling at him to stop.

"Stop this now!" I hear Vikk say.
"You have done enough!" Matt states.
"Any more you are going to kill him." I yell at the stranger.

The stranger smirks at me.

"That is the plan." I stranger states.

I we all go silent and all we can hear is Pete's crying.

The stranger takes the knife again and cuts one cut on both legs and the same for his arms. The stranger then walks over to the camera.

"We should have a nice death...."

Then he turns off the camera. He walks out of the room and leaves me chained to the wall. and Pete in a pool of his green blood.

"Kenny...... you are here right....."

Pete said in a weak voice and I started to cry.

"Yes Pete I am here."


I see Pete start to close his eyes and I freak.

"Don't close your eyes Pete please don't close your eyes."

Suddenly a goon walks into the room and the stranger stands by the door. The goon walks over to me and releases me I run over to Petey and kneel next to him, I pull him into my lap and I look into his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes Pete don't close them."

He nods his head and I look around for the first aids kit that the stranger gave us one the first day, I think. we where hear . I spot is and I put Pete down to go to get it but I hear a clunk and I look behind me to see a bigger, much bigger first aid kit. I look up to see the stranger smiling. Then he walks out of the room. I run over to it and them bring it back to Pete. I open it and see everything I need I smile and pick up Pete and take him to a none bloody pool space. Once I set him down and grab the first aids kit again I set to work on trying to save Pete.....

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now