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Vikk's Pov:

We have been sitting in the back of this car for about 2 hours now and Pete has still not awaken up, we are all worried that it was something more.

(K: Kenny, P: Preston, V: Vikk, M: Mitch)

M: I swear, I am going to kill them!
V: Matt is going to kill them.
P: I think they are all going to die.
K: We all know how our boyfriends react when we get hurt.
V: No matter how childish they are, they are all way overprotective.
M: I think it is funny.

I let out a light laugh and stand up in the moving car, only to end up falling right back down on top of Preston.

V: I am sorry Lava P. I need to stretch my legs.
P: You all all good just be careful, and you weigh nothing.
V: Hey!!
K: Don't worry Pete is lighter than you.
V: But taller....
M: Everyone is taller than you Vikky.
V: You guys are not funny.
K: Yes we are.

I stand up again and I walk over to Kenny, and punch him in the arm hard, being careful of Pete though.

K: Owww.
V: Now that was funny.
K: I would totally tackle you if Brandon was not unconscious in my arms.

We all laugh and I sit down again, Mitch moves closer to me and I lay my head on his shoulders. He puts his arms around me, in a supporting way.

V: I am scarred.
M: I know Vikky, I am to.
K: I just don't want anyone to get hurt.
P: I am scared for Brandon, The stranger....
V: He is the youngest and as he put it, has the weakest will.
M: Why would he say that? Pete is the strongest person I know.
P: He is saying that because his heart is so big and he would do anything to
make sure that we don't get hurt.....
K: Youngest, but has the biggest heart out of all of us.
M: But the glasses make him look like a nerd.
V: Mitch we play videogames for a living we are all nerds.
M: I know but the glasses make it official.
P: You funny Benja.

Suddenly the car jerks to a stop and we all go flying, Mitch ends up on top of me, and Preston is right beside us. Kenny ended up on his back with Pete on the floor next to him. The door opens and the stranger walks in.

(S: Stranger)

S: Did you guys have a nice trip.
V: Yes it was just peachy.
S: I see that Brandon is still asleep. It has been 2 hours since he passed out.

P: What did you give him?

S: That is none of your business. Now come here and no one gets hurt.

I stand up and so does Mitch. Mitch picks up Pete and I grab a hold of his arm. Preston helps Kenny to his feet and lets Kenny use him as a crutch. We all pile out of the van and we follow the stranger to a big room with four chairs and a table.

S: Everyone sit in one of the chairs. Mitchell place Brandon on the table over there.
M: Over my dead body.
S: That can be arranged.

The stranger pulls out a gun and points it at Mitch.

S: So I suggest you listen or you will die.

Mitch doesn't say another word, but he set Pete on the table and sits in the closest chair next to him. I sit by Mitch, then on the other side is Kenny and Preston sat down.The stranger talks into a walkie talkie then walks over to us.

S: Are you guys going to fight or are you going to listen.

We say nothing and the stranger smiles.

S: Good.

Suddenly the door opens and four more people walk through the door. They split off and one of them end up behind all of us, well besides Pete.

V: What are you doing?

He doesn't answer but when the person behind me forced my hands behind the chair and cuffs them together. I look over at the others and I see that Mitch and Preston were fighting, but Kenny just let them do it like I did. After a while of fighting Mitch and Preston end up like us with our hands cuffed behind our backs. The other people walk out of the room and the stranger sits there smiling at us until we hear a gasp. I look over to see Pete awake, and he looks terrified.  

{Editing}  Taken ( A Pack and Friends AU )Where stories live. Discover now