Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Maggie

It's been a weird couple of days ever since the events of me meeting Jasper transpired.

On one hand, I wouldn't say meeting Jasper was a contrived chance of fate, as a matter of fact even though I wasn't necessarily happy at first that Evan decided to tell Jasper about the engagement, it does feel nice finally having someone to talk about it with that isn't either my mother or Evan, which whom I only talk about the engagement with if it was for personal matters or if we're arguing about not wanting to talk about it.

Being stripped away from the right to talk to my friends about the complete madness that is currently transcending within the realms of my life, it does feel nice having someone who's empathetic enough to understand the complications happening but isn't bothersome enough to try and meddle or dictate my choices for me.

Not that I'm saying either Beth or Emily would do such a thing, I just mean that certain people in my life tend to do that.

Plus I like Jasper. I could see why despite the many differences that keep him and Evan apart is that Evan would want him as a friend because Jasper does give off the impression that makes you wanna say things you never would've thought you would just say to anyone.

Yes, I know trusting someone so easily like that may appear irresponsible and quite gullible, especially due to the circumstances regarding the engagement.

But what is there more to hide now that Jasper knows about it? The fact that I was never really on board with the whole thing? As if it wasn't already obvious with the way I treat Evan.

That, and of course I wasn't stupid enough to be swayed so mindlessly like that, and so I had talked to Tiffany and Mason about it and they were simply unbothered with the whole thing, saying how Jasper has been a long-time family friend and would obviously have no reason to carry any sort of ill-intention to sabotage the engagement.

Thus, that's where the friendship of Jasper and I began.

At the start, I was completely doubtful to just vent about whatever it was that distressed me about the engagement to him, but Jasper always seemed to catch on pretty quickly just by looking at me, that's why it was just as easy to confide in him as it was to be completely pointless.

It started rocky but days flew by to weeks and before I knew it, I have never felt as delighted to have someone around that I could actually consider as a friend.

It was from the simplest of moments where Jasper would visit me or me bumping into him whenever I visited Evan at his place until eventually, plans of actual meet-ups were arranged.

It transitioned from casual chatting to playful banter to tranquil, lighthearted moments where we act as if we've known each other our whole lives.

Such as that one soothing afternoon we found ourselves sprawled on the side of the house pool under the enormous tree that cast a dull shade that deviated us from the scorching heat and light of the afternoon hours.

As Jasper slumped himself against the trunk of the tree, wearing a pair of pool trousers and a loose white t-shirt as he held a book in one hand, whilst I, on the other hand, savored the restful atmosphere with my straw hat shielding my eyes of the rays of sunlight that spilled through the gaps of the branches and leaves above us, all the while resting my head on top of Jasper's lap.

"So far so good this week?"

"In a way," I muttered, sighing "Ever since we made up days ago, we haven't found ourselves in any sort of disagreement since."

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