Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Maggie

The only way to describe these past few days is that they have been weird as shit.

Not weird in the sense you wanna run in the opposite direction, but it's weird in the sense that the more you keep on witnessing it, the more you start to realize its peculiarity but make no effort whatsoever to deter its weirdness. Because in a way, you sort of like it?

Which yes, I'm talking about Evan here.

More specifically Evan and his recent tendency to be very flirtatious to the point that I'm debating whether or not I should allow it or to smack him upside the head.

Because truthfully speaking, I'm not against it, and it was only inevitable especially after the kiss we shared back at his house.

We had basically established that yes, we are more than just friends, that our feelings don't just revolve around a platonic frenemies-kind-of-friendship anymore, but instead, as two people who are sort of friends but also have an underlying romantic tension to resolve?

It was very confusing.

Plus we didn't wanna put a label on it, it was too soon for that and we hadn't even gone through the process of going out on dates, let alone knowing where we stand as individuals. Because for Evan, he was used to having things rushed. Whether it's relationships, friends with benefits, and or just his flings in general.

"Too much information," I told him when he was telling me about this little piece of trivia, to which he replied with a sheepish grin.

But yes, we had made it our mission to talk about it and to not just ignore the issue like we always do, for us to actually sit down and discuss our feelings like adults.

"The thing is I'm not like you," I said "I've been in the same long-term relationship with Levi since I was fifteen. Rushing into things has never really been my forte."

This is true, and that's only one of the few reasons why trying to work things out with Evan is a bit of a struggle, and it's because we're so different.

I was always used to planning my actions in advance and having a careful approach in life, and he knew that before the night he had confronted me about my excruciating habit to avoid confrontation like a wimp.

But maybe that's why this whole thing with Evan is liberating in its own way as well because I'm experiencing something so unfamiliar.

I've always envisioned myself getting into a relationship with someone who's more experienced than I am. It was my strategy so I wouldn't have to go through building up the dynamics of the relationship such as gaining each other's trust, being able to communicate with the other person, hoping they'd be mature enough to understand my naiveté.

I was so fucking ignorant back then.

In a way, even though this isn't technically the first time we got into a relationship with someone, we're kind of learning how to build one that is healthy.

Something we're not genuinely used to.

He's been with people who had quickly left him due to his unabashed behavior that it was only inevitable they'd break up due to the lack of communication, and I was stuck in a relationship where I was afraid to confront my partner about his mistakes that once the relationship ended, there was just no way we could ever come back to it.

So ironically speaking, we can help each other out with the things we lack.

He can teach me more about the things he doesn't get to receive from his previous partners, and I get to teach him the things he was never able to provide.

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