Ramesh Tiwary

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Nxt day everyone gathered in assembly hall. Their new principal Ramesh Tiwary entered. He looked everywhere.. His dark black eyes were looking at each & every student present in hall. He was about to start his speech but sumedh who was standing in front row interrupted him _

Sumedh :- sir it's almost 7 :15 we are late for morning prayers.

Hearing this everyone started chanting prayer in one voice

वक्रतुन्ड महाकायः सुर्यकोटी समप्रभः
निर्विघ्नम कुरुमे देवः सर्व कार्येषु सर्वदा...

While listening this Ramesh Tiwary got disturb. He shouted _


He became normal after a while. He was looking very angry. His bloodshot eyes were looking horrible. He looked at Sumedh. And said in calm voice.

R.T :- Mr. Sumedh Mudglkar I am warning u and all of u present here.. Don't disturb me again.. No one will dare to speak between me. I am ur new principal and in my clg everyone have to respect the teachers and seniors. shall we begin..

So Good Morning everyone. I am ur new principal professor Ramesh Tiwary. I know u loved ur old principal very much. But keep in mind guys. Every beginning has an end. And The change is only constant thing in our life. Same here ur old principal is changed and new one is here. I entered in clg 2 months ago and believe me guys it's the most messed up clg I have ever seen in my life. No disciplines , no rules , no ethics nothing. From today u will follow my rules. The list of rules is very big here i will tell u some of them. The most important & biggest rule . No one will sing morning prayers. It's prohibited. Yess Mr. Sumedh u heard right. Second one.. no one will enter in deep forest. Entry in that forest is banned. After dinner everyone will straight go to their rooms.. No one can roam around. No one is allowed to go in the village in weekdays.. Is that clear..?? Everyone must follow the rules. If anyone tried to break them he will get punished. It's for ur own safety.. So remember everything.. All the best for new academic year... See u later...

He left. Everyone was shocked..

"WTF did he just said..??" Said sumedh.. He was very angry.
"Are we studying in school..?? This much rules..?? Dude we are adults. They jst can't do this with us...

Sumedh was busy cursing him. Everyone except sumedh realised that prof. Tiwary is standing near them & was listening what sumedh was saying. He patted sumedh's back.

Prof. Tiwary :- U know what sumedh u r right.. U guys are adults. We shouldn't put so many rules. But remember rules are fr ur own safety.. Things around u r not normal this time... So follow them.. Or else.... " He turned towards vedanti and said " or else u will be in danger.. Kal ka insidence repeat bhi ho sakta hai.. Be safe... Stay alert... " saying this he left.. Leaving everyone in shock...!!!

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