​Chapter 8: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun/Good Girls

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  Chapter 8: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun/Good Girls
Jade's POV
The next morning everyone was sore, thanks to the hard floor. I was the first one up, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I wandered into the kitchen and looked through the cupboards. I finally found all of the stuff to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. I started with the pancakes, mixing the batter until it was evenly smooth. I poured it into the metal cookie cutters and made cute little duck and turtle shaped pancakes. I added chocolate chips to make it sweet. After the pancakes were finished, I made up a huge batch of scrambled eggs. Thanks to the large amount of people I was feeding, I ended up need 18 eggs. Soon the eggs were ready and I started on the bacon. The grease was just starting to pop and sizzle when I heard a voice behind me.
"Good morning love," the voice said.
I wasn't expecting it and jumped, causing me to splash grease on my arm. I hissed with pain and accidently let out a few choice words. I turned around to see Louis standing in the doorway. When he saw I was holding my arm he ran over to me.
"What happened love," he asked.
"Just a little grease got me that's all," I said. I didn't want to tell him that he scared me. I didn't want him to feel bad.
"Here let's get you fixed up," he said, while reaching for the first aid kit on the counter.
He pulled out burn cream, a gauze pad, and tape. He rubbed the cream on my burn, and taped the gauze over it.
"Did you swear when I scared you, and you got burnt," asked Louis.
I just nod sheepishly. I never swear, and I wasn't proud that I had swore in front of him.
"I have never heard you swear before," he commented.
"There's a lot you don't know about me," I countered.
"Like what," he asked. He was curious now.
"Like I would sneak out of the house all of the time," I said.
"You would sneak out? That doesn't sound like you. I imagined you as the good girl that does everything she's supposed to," he said.
"Forget what you thought cause good girl are bad girls that haven't been caught," I sang.
"Did you really just sing a 5SOS song to me," he asked me incredulous. I had never done a 5SOS cover so nobody really knew that I liked them. I liked a lot of music that I hadn't done covers.
I turned back to the bacon and finished cooking it quickly. Louis took over doing the toast. When I looked over at him, I started laughing. He had somehow managed to get butter and jelly all over the counter. I think there is more on the counter than there is on the toast. At least he didn't burn the toast. Oops, scratch that, he just pulled two burnt pieces out of the toaster.
"Just stop. I'll do it," I said taking over. I cleaned up the mess and redid the toast. I put all of the food on the table and started a pot of coffee, and a kettle for tea. I grabbed the flavored creamers from the fridge and the sugar from the cupboard. I set the different creamers next to the mugs they belong. Demi, Selena, and I were the coffee drinking Americans, while the British/Irish ones were drinking tea. Each of us liked different creamers. Demi liked York Peppermint Patty, Selena liked Hazelnut, and I liked Hershey's Chocolate Caramel. Zayn and Perrie liked their tea with cream and sugar. Liam and Harry liked their tea with just cream, and Louis and Niall liked their tea with milk and sugar. [A/N:Yes there is a difference between milk and cream. Just so you know.]
Soon everyone came stumbling into the kitchen. They all grabbed their mugs and filled them with the hot beverages. We all sat at the table and started eating.
"Hey I got a random question. Why are the pancakes shaped like ducks and turtles," asked Niall.
"Because I like ducks and turtles," I replied.
"I think they're cute," Louis piped in.
"Just be thankful I didn't do dolphins," I said.
Once we had finished eating and all of the dishes were in the dishwasher we all congregated in the living room.
"What are we going to do today? We still have a few days until it's time for us to leave for our tours, since Perrie's and Selena's start the same day we resume ours," asked Demi.
"How about a girl's day out shopping, going to the cinema, and out to dinner," suggested Perrie.
"That's a great idea," exclaimed Selena.
Demi and I quickly agreed. We all ran off to our rooms to change. Once we were all changed, we met downstairs in the living room. We jumped in Louis' car and went to the mall. At the mall, we went to TopShop, Jack Wills, Forever 21, Rue 21, Victoria Secrets, Claire's, Bare Escentuals, Hot Topic, and Shoe Department. After hitting all of our favourite stores, we stopped in the food court to get lunch. We were walking up to the counter at Panda Express when we accidently bumped into a girl with shoulder length red hair. She turned around when we bumped into her. I started to apologize, but she cut me off by starting to fangirl. I then realized that she was fangirling over Demi, Selena, and Perrie.
"OMG! You are Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Perrie Edwards, and Jade Livingston," she exclaimed loudly, while jumping up and down.
"Yes we are. Are you a fan," Perrie asked nicely.
I was still in shock. She knew who I was. I had a fan. I was so excited.
"I'm a huge fan. I especially like Jade's covers. You have an amazing voice. I'm so glad that you are going on tour with Demi," she gushed.
"Hey would you like to hang out with us? We are having a girl's day," asked Selena. I was thinking the same thing and was glad she asked.
"I would love to. You guys are my biggest idols," she practically screamed.
"I'm glad that we inspired you," I said sincerely
"My name's Melodie Shephards by the way," she told us.
"That's a really pretty name Melodie. Do you like music," Demi asked.
"I absolutely love it," she stated.
"What's your favourite song," I asked.
"Story of My Life by One Direction," she replied.
"I love that song. Do you want to do a duet cover with me for it," I ask.
"Really? I get to do a duet with you," she asks excitedly.
"If you want. I prefer to sing with others, rather than by myself," I explain.
"Then yes I'll do it," she says.
We all get our Chinese food and sit and talk while we eat. Once we finished eating we went and saw the new version of Annie at the cinema. Since we had eaten a late lunch we didn't want to go out for dinner so we headed back to the flat. We were surprising Melodie, because she had no clue that One Direction was there. She thought she was just going to hang out with us girls.
We all walked into the flat to find it a total disaster. We yelled for the boys and heard them come running. When they caught sight of us they stopped dead in their tracks. They all had the same guilty look on their face.
"Guys this is Melodie. She is a big fan and a good friend of ours," I stated.
The boys just stared at her for a sec before going around and introducing themselves. Harry just stood there frozen. Louis ended up introducing him. I think Harry has a crush. This will make for some fun matchmaking.

Hey my roses! I updated finally! I'm really sorry I have been busy with school. It's tough being a Junior. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter. I have no school until Jan 12 and today is the 6. Most of the high school is going on a Ski Trip, but I decided to stay home and relax since we don't have school. Please comment and vote. Thanks! Luv ya Beka <3  

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