Chapter 18: Live While We're Young

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  Chapter 18: Live While We're Young
Louis' POV
We are all about to kill someone. We are all exhausted and grumpy. Paul and Simon should know better than to wake us up early, but they still do. We had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep. The plane ride took a lot out of us. None of the girls had makeup on. I was laughing because they all adopted band hairstyles without realizing it. Little Mix all had their hair in messy buns, Selena and Demi had their hair in ponytails, and Wings had their hair in side braids.
Simon had set up a dress rehearsal for 9AM, so we were all walking zombies on the way there. The concert wasn't until eight tonight. The good thing was that our stylists were giving us outfits so we didn't have to get dressed. Most of us were still in pyjamas, but then there was Harry, Melody, and Zayn who were wearing their clothes from last night.
I kept looking at Roselyn. She looked like she was about to collapse. I walk over and put my arm around her shoulder. I notice that we are both wearing our matching hoodies and sweat pants. We match without planning to. I look around and notice that Niall and Demi, Liam and Selena also match. I just laugh at that.
We see the van pull up in front of the hotel. We all walk out and climb in. It's a little squished with 13 people, but we make do. We are all too tired to care. Once we get to the arena we climb out and head straight for the buffet set up in the dressing room. Roselyn and I both head straight for the Keurig. I want tea and she wants coffee. We both need to wake up. We make our drinks with a ton of sugar. Then I get an idea.
"Why don't we hide the sugar, so that they stay zombies? Then we can prank them, and they will be too tired to retaliate," I ask Roselyn. She gets that evil glint in her eyes and I know that she is on board with the idea. We casually shove all of the packets of sugar in our pockets and wander off. We dump the packets in a random box by the stage. We wander back to the dressing room. No one noticed that we were gone.
The rehearsals started soon. We were all driving the choreographer and the sound people crazy. Some of them got so fed up with us that they walked off. Soon enough it was concert time. Concert time also meant prank time. Throughout the day, Roselyn and I had been laying our plans for our pranks. We had hidden squirt guns in the wings, exchanged sugar for confetti, gave the band whipped cream and silly string. The four of them were extremely happy to help us. They still wanted revenge on Harry and Zayn from last tour. Our best prank was that we got the sound people to change the voices on everyone's microphones so they sounded stupid. That one was going to be a dead giveaway as to who was pulling the pranks, because they were changing everyone's except mine and Roselyn's. Roselyn and I really don't care what they try to do to us because we are just like YOLO and LWWY. We just like to have fun.
The concert started with Demi singing This Is Me. Then Selena sang the Heart Wants What It Wants. Next up was the boys and I. We're going to sing Night Changes. After us, it was Little Mix singing DNA. After them, it was Wings singing Thrift Shop. Melody was doing the rapping, since she had an amazing secret talent for it. They substituted for the swear words. After them two, it was a big group song. We had decided on Last Friday Night. It was time to put our plan into action. We would grab the squirt guns on our way back out after the wardrobe change. During the change, the band had control of the stage. When we ran back out everyone was looking at Roselyn and me as if we were crazy. The music started and we sang along. At the line "Pictures up last night ended up online I'm screwed oh well" we attacked, because they were in big trouble. We soaked them with the water guns. The band followed our lead and attacked with silly string. The confetti that came down at the end of the song was nothing but pure sugar. It reminded me of our video diary days when I poured sugar in my hat and put it on. They finally thought we were done and started singing again. That's when the microphones changed. They glared at us and kept singing. When the song was almost over the band attacked again with the whipped cream. They were really angry with us by now. We had a wardrobe change and then question time. The audience was tweeting in millions of questions. The most asked question was "Are Louis and Roselyn a couple?" We had decided without our stylist's permission to wear our hoodies. The audience went crazy when they saw them. We answered a whole bunch of random questions. Little Mix got asked to do the chicken dance and Selena and Demi were asked to do the Hokey Pokey. Then they asked Roselyn and I to sing a duet. We looked at each other and knew what we were going to sing. I send a quick text to the sound room to tell them the song we were singing. They start the music to Brave. We sing along letting all of our emotions out. At the end, Roselyn is almost crying. The audience bombards us with tweets asking what's wrong. Roselyn starts to speak and I'm amazed at how strong this girl is.
"I come from a really bad home. I used my YouTube videos as a release for the anger and pain, but I also cut. When I escaped I felt free, but then I thought my family had found me so I attempted suicide. Louis is the one that found me and saved my life. He is my support. He is the one that keeps me strong. Just two days ago, I was dealing with hate. I didn't like it and cut again. Louis did something that surprised me. He cut his wrist too. He made a promise to me that whenever I hurt he hurts. He promised that he would always be there for me. Every single one of these people around me has made the same pact. They are my new family. The song we just sang was the song that Louis sang to me when I couldn't sleep, because the memories hurt too much. He has inspired me, and now I want to inspire all of you that are hurting," Roselyn says.
The concert continues after a few moments of silence. We finish the night off with a big group song, singing Live While We're Young. After showers and a change of clothes, we head back to the hotel.  

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