notorious for destroying and tearing apart rosaries

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  Often times, Anneliese would also somehow force tables and chairs to move about frequently, constantly rearranging themselves without ever actually physically touching the items above-mentioned. From the same book as mentioned above, The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren, by Gerald Daniel Brittle, iUniverse Press, 2002 softcover reprint edition.

Perhaps the primary legitimate explanation for peculiar goings-on in a house is psychokinesis, the power of the mind to levitate or teleport small objects through space. PK, as it's abbreviated, is caused by the transfer of psychic energy to objects. Typically, the individual giving off this energy is under a great deal of stress.

Frustrated or angry children are quite often the source of PK activity. Though unusual psychokinesismay be similar to phenomena brought about by spirits," Ed indicates, "PK levitations rarely involve weights of over one pound. No experiment has yet shown the human mind able to move weights of over two pounds. Demonic spirits, by contrast, regularly move furniture or appliances that would require two strong men to lift.

Anneliese was notorious for destroying and tearing apart rosaries. We all know how I feel about that, based on the knowledge I have on the matter. 

A family friend, Mrs. Thea Hein was one of the first to notice the apparent change in Anneliese. In 1975, Mrs. Hein took Anneliese on a pilgrimage, as she was a close family friend. While on this pilgrimage, she noticed that Anneliese was physically unable to drink the Holy Water from the spring, and also physically unable to walk past an icon of Jesus Christ, Mrs. Hein was instrumental in contacting the priests early on because of her fear of demonic possession. She did not believe that the doctors who diagnosed Anneliese as an epileptic were correct based on the symptoms she had observed, and she basically got the ball rolling on getting the Church involved. At one point, Anneliese said to Mrs. Hein: "I am Anneliese, and I will go for your neck and tear it apart." Then she struck Mrs. Hein in the head violently, and had to be physically restrained.

Her boyfriend, Peter, was constantly involved in most of this process. He would often drop by the house, expected or not, to spend time with Anneliese. Even though for the most part, she could not talk unless she was blaspheming or raging out, there is one event which he recalls in which Anneliese suddenly grew stoic, stared him right in the eyes and said in a clear, unimpeded voice: "I am of a stony heart.". Also worth noting, on many – many – occasions, Anneliese was physically abusive to both her sisters and Peter, violently throwing them to the floor, and assaulting them on some occasions literally from dusk until dawn.  

Emily Rose ( Anneliese Michel )Where stories live. Discover now