Father Andrzej Trojanowski

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  In an interview on the topic, Father Andrzej Trojanowski, doctor of theology and exorcist, claims that demonic entities take a distinct notice of our departure of faith and closeness to God. He also believes that is why mortal sin is something which testifies to the victory of evil spirits in our lives and current times. He claims that possession and such other spectacular actions or evil spirits is a disclosure, and that something such as a demonic spirits commits these actions because it must, that these actions are it's sole purpose. He also mentions that these demons must eventually show themselves, but that they do not want to by any means. It will often go to extreme lengths to not make public any of its actions, as it does not want to unmask itself. As a matter of fact, when the point has come that the demonic entity makes it's presence known in the form of possession phenomena, it's actually a defeat on the demons part, because from that point on, usually steps will be taken to rid the afflicted on this onslaught. 

Father Roth invited what would eventually turn out to be the main exorcist of the case, Father Renz, to accompany his prayer group just once, to see a possessed girl. During this pilgrimage, this girl was speaking in a masculine, guttural voice, she repeatedly swelled up, and couldn't enter so much as a single sanctuary to save her life, literally and figuratively. She needed to be physically "calmed down" (most likely restrained) by her father. Father Renz could not believe that possession could occur somewhere in which Baptism was an active practice, and originally thought that this was over-exaggerated phenomena – until he saw with his own two eyes. One of the things that he would never forget was the fact that whatever was possessing this girl, or oppressing her, would physically throw this girl down to the ground, on her back, and force her to stay where she landed for hours at a time. This was something he would see very frequently with Anneliese Michel. 

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