Chapter 3

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This wind was mischievous. It hit against the plane with incredible force, but only managed to rattle it slightly now and then. Tom was sitting in a comfortable airplane chair a crossed from his escort, Paul. Paul was silent, they could both feel the awkwardness in air growing heavier each passing second. They had been flying for about an hour, the only thing keeping Tom entertained was watching the clouds fly past as the plane cut through them.

Finally, Tom decided to speak.

"So, what does your 'boss' want with me anyway?" He asked, he still had no idea. He had simply jumped into the bull ring without any beforehand knowledge. He could be walking into his death trap for all he knew.

"Not even I know that.." Paul said softly looking intently out the window at the clouds just as Tom had been doing moments before.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see then... " Tom thought to himself.

The journey from England to Norway is only 2 hours by plane, it felt like 10. The plane finally began to descend, making Tom's stomach flip. The wheels skid against the run way until it came to a full stop. Tom didn't know whether to stand or not, he felt like he had been sitting there for days and any movement would remind him his legs couldn't work anymore and he would fall back down. But Paul got up and he did the same, only having a little trouble steadying himself.

Tom went first down the steep steps off the plane, Paul following casually behind him. When they reached ground Tom almost wanted to kneel down and savour it. Of course he didn't, that would be odd. Tom felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned and saw Paul pointing to a black Jeep off to the side with a similar looking soldier standing by it.

"That's Patryk, he driving us to the sight." Paul answered Tom's unspoken question.

They walked over to the Jeep where the man greeted them. He smiled over at Tom.

"You must be Tom then?" He asked,"the boss was very eager to see you here. We don't know why though."

"That's what I've been told." Said Tom,"No one knows what he's up to."

"It is quite odd," Paul added going over to sit in the passenger's seat of the Jeep.

"The boss isn't always so mysterious," Patryk said taking his place in the driver's seat.

Tom found himself in the back, buckling himself and leaning against the car door he had come through.

"The sooner we get there the sooner we can find out," Tom said, not meaning it to sound naggy.

Paul and Patryk looked at Tom and then at each other with a hurt sort of look. Patryk turned the key in the ignition and the car came to life. A slight push on the gas pedal sent them on their trip. Tom had no idea where they were going, but he didn't ask.

They came to a long dirt road with grass fields on either side. A large mountain towered off in the distance, setting the scene nicely.

The trip was silent accept for the roll of the tires over the dirt and the occasional bump as they went over a rock. They were nearing the mountain now which was littered with fresh snow and fern trees. There was small amounts of snow at the foot of the mountain which was where they were heading.

Tom saw the building first, it was made of metal which was rusting at the edges and corners. It had small windows on each side and there was a big, metal high-tech door at the front.

They reached a military area line and Paul had to get out and scan his card to elect them passage. As they got closer Tom noticed a large red symbol like the one he had seen on the note from last night. It still seemed so long ago for him, it was strange. Maybe it was the plane ride.

A few more minutes later they came to a stop next to the building. Paul got out first and then Tom. He breathed out and his breath collected into a small cloud. It was freezing so close to the mountain.

"Come," Paul gestured for Tom to follow him and he did. Patryk followed close behind.

The big metal door towered over them casting a shadow that made Tom shiver. Paul took placed his hand on a small screen and waited. It was like a movie, entering a secret undercover base. Paul brought back his hand and the big door creaked and craned up, granting them access to the inside.

They walked inside.

Each step echoed on the metal floor. Tom heard the door close behind them, he didn't look back, because there was no going back. He was stuck where he was.

They passed many doors each with their own purpose. Tom looked at them with interest, Patryk looked at them like he had seen them as many times as someone licked their lips to moisten them. They were just old doors.

Paul stopped at one of them and Tom almost ran into him. The door was bigger and fancier than the other ones. A plaque held on the door read

røde kvartalene

(Sorry if that's wrong)

Tom had no idea what it said. Of course, because it was in a foreign language to him. Norwegian.

I will tell you what it says.

It said: Red Quarters.

Paul's hand hovered over the doorknob as if waiting for permission to enter. He took a deep breath in and out and gripped onto it. Turning it. Opening. The room had a large desk perpendicular to the entrance way. The desk was littered with books that were all closed, and looked to be purposely turned over to hide the cover.

A plaque on the desk red the name Tord. The big leather chair behind the desk had its back to them.

Tom tried stalling, but was pushed slightly into the room by the point of Patryk's gun. Tom grumbled and took another few steps in. Paul and Patryk waited in the doorway. Tom noticed another section of the room out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't take time to look at it.

Tom almost turned back because he couldn't see anyone in the room, but of course as he thought to do so the big chair spun around to Face them. The man on it had burnt orange hair which stuck up in two large spikes I'm the front. The right side of his face was covered in bandages as well as his left arm. His outfit was similar to his comrades, but more equipped.

A large grin arose on his face as he stared at Tom, the words escaping his mouth in a perfectly recognizable Norwegian accent, "Hello Tom."

Red and Blue were now together.

But did not make Violet.

They made Mauve.

//Mauve is that color up there. Enjoy this looooong chapter

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