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I held the stick in my had that showed my fate.


This had been the tenth Time I had tried the test and they all came back the same.


By the fifth stick I had decided to call my doctor, I went in about a week ago and he called a few days later saying those words that killed me but made me smile at the same time.

"Your pregnant"

My doctors voice still Echoed inside my head over and over again. I wasn't ready to become a mom. I'm only 19 for gods sake! I know my mom and dad will be a little shaken up but they will get over it. But what scared me wasn't the fact I was pregnant, it was who the father was. My abuseve boyfriend josh. He doesn't need to become a father because all he would do is hurt the child. All josh dose all day is go to the bar and drink all day, he's 22 while I am 19 but our age was never a problem. The only reason I haven't broke up with him is because every time I try to he abuses me or rapes me.
"What the hell am I going to do"
I picked up my phone to call my mom to see if she had any advice for me, or to see if she could help me out of this situation. It rang 3 times until someone picked up.
"Hey mom"
"Ow hi Katie, what's up."
I took a shaky breath and decided it was now or never.
"Mom, I-I'm p-pregnant."
The other side of the line went dead for a second until I heard my mom speak up.
"Wow, Kate um i don't know what to say. I'm not disappointed in you or anything, it's just that, I thought you and josh used protection."
I stood there silent not knowing how to tell her.
"Mom." My voice lowered because I was scared someone was listening in. "He raped me."
The line went silent again, and that's when I heard it, a gun shot through the phone.
"MOM!!" I waited for a response but heard nothing, so I picked up my cell since I was on the home phone and called 911.
"Yes, 911 what is your emergency?"
"I was on the phone with my mom and all of a sudden I heard a gun shot through her end and she's not answering when I call out her name."
"Ok miss what is your name and your mothers name, and her cellphone number"
I took a deep breath and continued, this was all just to much to bare at once.
"My name is Kate Beckett, my mothers name is Johanna Beckett, and her number is ***-***-****." After a few seconds the woman on the other end spoke again.
"Ok we have tracked her phone, we are sending officers and an Ambulance the her location as we speak." I calmed down then hung up the phone because the woman said I should receive a call soon with further details. I sat down on the couch and a few minutes later I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I picked it up quickly. My whole world shattered into a million pieces as an officer told me something that would deeply scar me for the rest of my life.
"I'm sorry, but your mother was found dead in an alley, I'm sorry for your loss."
Every thing stopped, time froze as I dropped the phone then slid down the wall behind me and started to cry.

My best friend.
My other half.
My creator.
My mother.
Is gone.
I started at the other side of the room as I cried, the tears just wouldn't stop.
I all of a sudden heard a sound and the door swung open.
"What are you doing on the floor bitch!"
I swallowed, hoping and praying he wouldn't hurt me.
"Josh my mother was murdered and-"
I couldn't say the last part, I didn't want him to know I was carrying his child.
"And what!!" He yelled at me.
I finally found what to say, with a deep breath I said those three words that could get me killed.
"I'm leaving you!"
He then raised the glass beer bottle in his hand up and trough it at me but missed, it landing right beside me unharmed. This was my chance!! I quickly picked up the bottle and through it at him hitting his head and he fell to the ground.
I ran over to the front door and picked up my purse and jacket and ran out the door.
Goodbye josh.
12 months later

It's been a whole year since my mother was murdered and I left josh but a lot has come to pass.
When I left josh I went to my dad and I told him the whole situation and he agreed I could stay with him for as long that I like or until I can get back up on my feet. And I also decided to keep the baby because I couldn't just take away a life it wasn't it's falt why it came into the world. I also decided to become a police officer instead of a lawyer because they never caught my mothers killer, pretty much her case has been left un touched. So after I gave birth I went into the police academy. Ow and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with brunette hair and the most cute brown eyes, and her name is......Laura, Marie, Beckett

Always: castle & Raura ❌Where stories live. Discover now