Breakfast suprise

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Just a better picture of Vanessa^^^

Beckett's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and picked it up and saw it was espo. I slid my finger across the screen to answer it and put it up against my ear. "Hey espo, anything new on our new victim?" I asked trying to refrain from yawning.
"Yeah, as you know it's a woman in her Mid thirtys, brünette hair, brown eyes with no ID on her. Laine is running her prints and dental information now to see if we can find her in the system, but that's all we got right now." He said. I rubbed my eyes trying to remove the sleepiness from them. "Javi, not to sound rude but is that the only reason you called was to tell me Laine was running tests?" I questioned.
"I also called to tell you that we were never able to get in touch with Ellen marano last night to tell her to come in today, and," he paused for a minute and laughed. "And what?" I asked rather seriously.

"Your shadow is already here." He said laughing. I groaned then hung up the phone. I took the covers off of my body and went to change for work. When I was fully dressed I put my gun into its holster and sat back down on the bed. I let out a sigh and took a deep breath. That's when I smelled pancakes and bacon.

I walked toward the kitchen and heard laughing. when I got to the kitchen the site I saw made me smile. Laura and Vanessa were running around the kitchen cooking and just talking about random stuff.
"Hey girls" I said.
They looked up at me a bit startled. But quickly relaxed.
"So what got you two in the mood to cook?" I asked laughing. It wasn't normal for Laura to cook at all. Usually we would just pick up something on the way to her school and at nights we most of the time ordered take out. I'm even surprised we had stuff in the refrigerator to cook.

"Well this one over here woke me up saying she was bored and she felt like cooking." Vanessa said pointing at Laura.
"Well not that i don't enjoy you guys cooking, it's just it's not really like you sweetie." I said looking towards my daughter at the end.
"Well I just thought I would try something different for a change." She said smiling.
"I think it's about this Ross guy you keep going on about, I think cooking is just your way of trying to push him to the back of your mind." Vanessa said while flipping a pancake.
Laura gave her a death glare.
"Nessa, shh!" Laura said through gritted teeth.

"Ross, as in Ross Castle, the kid I brought in for drug possession yesterday and son of that man child who won't leave me alone at work, I knew you two hung out yesterday and he bought you a new phone, but are you starting to like him?" I asked a little concerned.
Laura sighed.
"I don't like him like that, he's just a really good friend and we have a lot in common and he's really cool, but we're nothing more, don't worry mom." She said as she put some food on plates then went to place them at the table that we rarely use. Vanessa came over with glasses of orange juice and set them down.

"The way you won't shut up about him says otherwise." She said under her Breath so Laura couldn't hear her but I could causing me to smile.
We all sat down and dug into our food. Laura was talking to Vanessa about Harry Potter again and they looked like they were getting along really well. It brought a smile to my face to know she was getting along with her so well.
When Laura was growing up she was made fun of a lot for not having a father and she never really had friends. It was the same situation throughout middle school and through her high school years up until now. But i could tell that was going to change.

I looked at the time on my phone to see if we didn't hurry laura was going to be late for school.
"Honey you better hurry up if you don't wanna be late for school." I said as I took a sip of my orange juice.
She looked up at me and her eyes widened.
"Oh my god, I'm going to have to leave now. I promise I'll clean up later mom." She said as she ran around getting her bag and phone then running out the door.
Vanessa laughed and I looked over at her confused.
"She seems like a hand full." She said as she finished eating.
"Well sometimes, but I love her for it." I said with a smile.

After we were done eating I went ahead and cleaned up then we started to head to the station. It was rather quiet in my car until I decided to break the silences and ask Vanessa about staying with us longer.

"So, you and Laura seem to be getting along really well." I stated. I looked over and I could tell she was really trying to hide her smile.
"Yeah, I guess we have some things in common and she's really fun to be around. It doesn't look like there's ever a dull moment around her." She said and I smiled.

"I can tell she really likes you too. When she was younger it was really hard for her to make friends because everyone thought it was weird that she didn't have a dad. then the other stuff came after that like, ugly, to skinny, sissy, brat, and other stuff, but she has really tried to not let it affect her but I know it has. Now if it wasn't for you and Ross she might not have friends right now" I said while keeping my eyes on the road. It got quite and I decided this was my best time to ask.

"So Vanessa, since you and Laura get along so well, and is rather you not just be out on the street, how about you stay with us a little longer, just till you can get on your feet." She looked over at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know detective Beckett, I don't want to be a burden or anything."

"Trust me your no burden, you can stay as long as you like."

She sighed then mumbled an 'okay', then went back to biting her finger nails.

"Oh and by the way, it's Kate."

Helllooooo everyone!!!

Look it's the girl who never updates, and let me say......IM SORRY!!!! (Btw the only reason I wrote this chapter was I was told to turn off the tv😂😂😂)

So it's currently 3:55AM (that's when I'm writing the note, it will probably be like noon when I post this) and I am EXHAUSTED!!!

So.... my family and friends have this thing where we go around the table and say what we are thankful for, and when it was my turn I said, "I'm thankful for Jennifer Morrison" let's just say I got a few death glares from people (like my bff, Lynette (my not real mom), and Cameron ( my not real dad)) I even got sat Down by Cameron and he told me my behavior was out of line, and lets say it didn't go over well. NO REGERTS!!!!😂😂😂

And for the rest of the day I've been playing fallout 4, but I'm about to pass out so I better go

Q: how was you guys thanksgiving

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