Harry potter time

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Laura's POV (again)

I walked up to my apartment door and unlocked it. I pushed the door open.
"Mom, im home!"
I said while walking in, but got no reply. I closed and locked the door then sat my bag down on the couch. My phone beeped so I checked it to see I had a new text from Ross. I'm going to have to get used to this.

Hey Laura, just wanted to know you made it home okay, what's up?

I literally just walked in, and are you really that bored, I was just over at your place!

Hey it's not my fault I have nothing to do!

Have you done your homework?

You actually do that shit? I should of known 😑

Ok Ross, I'm going to go, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!! 😜🤓 bye!!

Ya, ya, whatever, bye you little nerd 🤓

I then heard something falling and breaking from my bed room.
I quickly picked up my taser from my bag and quietly went to see what was in my room.
"Ah shit!" I heard a female voice say. I put my taser behind my back then went to stand in my doorway.
"Who are you?" I asked while bringing the taser out from behind my back and aimed it at her.
"Wow, calm down. Now who are you!" She asked with her hands in front of her. I guess she thought my taser was a gun.
"I live here, now what are you doing in my Apartment, and how did you get in here." I asked.
Next thing I knew I heard the front door close.
"Laura, I'm home!" My mom said while coming towards my room.
Her eyes went wide when she saw me holding my taser and aiming it inside my room.
"Wow, Laura calm down, put down your taser." She said.
I was confused.
"Who is this girl and what is she doing here then?" I asked. She got a look at who I was aiming at, then she grabbed my taser and dropped it onto the floor.
"Oh my god, I really should of told you but with this case I haven't hardly had time to think." She says.
"Laura, this is Vanessa, she's helping me out with a case and I offered her to stay here tonight and when another body dropped I gave her my spare key so she wouldn't have to wait at the precinct. Vanessa, this is my daughter Laura." She said.
Me and Vanessa both let out a breath.

"I am so sorry, I just thought you were an Intruder." I said trying to calm down.
"It's okay, but next time be careful where you point that thing. And I'm sorry I was in your room, I was just bored and i wanted to look around, and I kinda knocked over a picture, I'll replace the frame." She said.
I went into my room and saw a picture frame on the floor. That must of been the shattering sound I heard. I turned the frame over to see a picture of me and my mom at the zoo when I was 5. Me and her were at the elephant exhibit and my grandpa had snapped the picture.
"No, it's okay. I just need to replace the glass for the frame and it will be fine. Don't worry about it." I said standing up and putting the picture frame on my desk.

"Well now that things have calmed down, I'm going to go pick up some pizza. Laura could you pull out the couch for Vanessa and get it set up?" My mom asked.
"Sure, oh and get Peperoni and cheese!" I said. She nodded then left.
I then went to the closet in the hallway and pulled out a set of sheets and a few pillows and blankets.
I went to the living room and Vanessa followed.
"Don't worry, it's actually really comfy. When I was younger and we were living in a one bedroom apartment I slept on the fold out couch, and it's actually a bit more comfy than my bed." I said as I started to get it set up.
"Again I'm really sorry for almost tasering you, I promise that won't happen again." I said while putting on the sheets.
She nodded. "It's okay, I'm just glad detective Beckett is letting me stay here tonight." She said while biting her finger nails.
"You can call her Kate while your here, trust me she won't mind. Are you just staying tonight?" I asked.
"Yep, then im probably going to go back to my place." She said while helping me finish up with the couch.
"Don't mean to pry, but is that your way of saying the streets?" I said.
She sighed. "Pretty much."
It got silent as we finished.
"Well, your all set." I said and she nodded.
"Hey, are you by any chance a Harry Potter fan?" I asked.
"Harry who?" She said confused. I gasped.
"You, have, got, to, be, kidding, me!!!! You have NEVER heard of Harry Potter!! That's impossible!!" I said shocked.
"Well when you grow up in foster homes where there's no TV you don't see many movies." She stated with a laugh.
"Have you even heard of the books?"I asked.
"Nope" she said popping the p.
I then grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room.
"Hey, hilights, what are you doing." She said.
I pointed to her to sit down on my bed then I went to get the first Harry Potter movie. I came back and put it in my DVD player and put the case on my bed. She picked it up and examined it.
"The Sorcerer's Stone? This already sounds weird. What's this series about exactly?" She asked.

"It's about a boy named Harry Potter whose parents were killed when he was just a baby and he has to live with his stupid aunt and uncle until he starts getting letters in the mail telling him he has been accepted to Hogwarts school of wizardry. And even though his aunt and uncle try and keep him from going, he ends up going. But I better not say to much so I don't spoil it." She slowly nodded her head.

We got into at least 30 minutes of the movie before my mom came home with the pizza.
"Hey girls, I see Laura got you to watch Harry Potter." My mom said laughing.
"Ya, it's actually not that bad." Vanessa said.
"Vanessa, you have no idea what you just got yourself into, Laura is not going to aloe you to leave this apartment until you have finished all the movies." She said trying to keep from laughing.
"What!" Her eyes widened and looked at me.
"Mwahahaha!!" I laughed evilly with an evil smile.
"Well you girls better come eat before the pizza gets cold." My mom said.
"Awwww moooommmm, couldn't we just eat in here so we can watch the movie, please." I said with my puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, but only this once, I'll go change into my pajamas and join you then. Its been a while since i saw this one." my mom said.
When she left I threw my hands up in the air in victory. Vanessa laughed.
"But are you seriously not going to let me leave until I finish all the movies?" She asked.
I simply turned my head and looked at her evilly.
"I guess you'll have to find out later." I said.
When my mom came back we all finished watching the movie and eating pizza until we all got pretty tired. When the credits started rolling I looked at my phone to see it was almost midnight.
"Ok I think it's time we get to bed." My mom said as she got up and said good night. Vanessa did the same and walked to the living room.
I then changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I then quietly threw away the pizza boxes.
I went to my moms room and went in to see her sitting down on her bed on the phone.
"are you sure? You are 100 percent positive that he's her father? Okay I'll see you tomorrow." She then hung up the phone and put her face in her hands and sighed. I then closed her door so she would know I was here. She looked up from her hands and looked at me.
"Laura you need to get some sleep." She said. I went and sat on her bed next to her.

"Is everything okay sweetie?" She asked.
"Mom, can Vanessa stay longer than just tonight? She seems really cool and I would hate for her to just go back out on the streets." I asked. She waited a moment to reply.
"She can stay as long as she likes, but that's not just up to me, she has to want to stay, okay." She said. I nodded my head.
"Okay well ill ask her if she wants to stay longer tomorrow when I bring her to the precinct. Now you go to sleep." She kissed my head. Then I gave her a hug and got up to go to my bed room. Right when I was in front of my bedroom door I heard small sniffing coming from the living room. I went to stand at the end of the hallway and that's when I heard it.

Vanessa was crying.

Look!! An update!!

So who do you guys think is Vanessa's dad? And why was she crying??

So what r u guys doing for Halloween? I'm going to be Emma swan from ouat.

I might update on Halloween because that's Vanessa's birthday!!

See you guys soon!!

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