Ideas and movies

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Ross' POV

I sipped the straw on my milkshake to try and get my mind off of what had just happened.
Why the hell did Laura have to start fake moaning! She dose know I'm a teenage boy, right! Well anyway the minute she started doing that my hormones went all over the place, and well, you get it. I mean Laura is cute and all and actually, this wasn't the first day I had ever seen her.

About a few years back me and Laura had a class together and I had to sit right behind her. She was always so sweet but everyone knew it was best not to mess with her. And I guess you could say I got a crush on her. I mean how could I not like her! She has the most brightest smile and her hair looks so soft. And shes so adorable when she scrunches her nose up. And don't get me started on how hot she is. It wasn't like I was stalking her, I knew way better than to do something that stupid. And I just have a crush, it's not like I'm in love with her. But she never noticed me, never even said one word to me until today. At least we're friends though.
"So what movie do you wanna watch when we get back to your place?" She asked while finishing her milk shake.
I thought about it for a moment.
"Well I got some new movies recently that I wanted to watch, maybe we could watch this one I got call 'event 15', I heard it's supposed to be cool."
Her eyes widened a bit.
"Oh you mean 'Alpha alert', it's called different things depending on where you live or who you ask. I've been wanting to see it too."
I then finished and payed for our meal then we started heading back to my place.
"I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and see everyone's reaction to that video." She said with an evil smile. I laughed.
"Same, maybe this will make hunter stop being such a bully, but if not maybe you could find some more dirt on him." I said.
"Well maybe, I mean I'm pretty good at hacking, it wouldn't be that hard to find another vid, but maybe we should try and find his drug supplier so we can get my mom to bring him in." She said. I nodded my head. "But could we even do that, I mean wouldn't that be getting evidence illegally and you can't use         Illegal evidence in court. So if anything we would be the ones getting in trouble with hunter and his dealer once they got out if they even get arrested." She stayed silent for a moment trying to think. "What if there was a way we could get his dealer behind bars without them knowing it was us who gave them the evidence. Once we find out who it is, we could break into his or hers place and find the drugs. Then we leave and call the station on a pay or burner phone and leave an anonymous tip, then boom the dealers in jail." She said with an evil smile.
"I don't know Laura, i mean what if they think it's some kid trying to take up there time, and do you really think it's a good idea to go to where a drug dealer lives? The guy probably has guns! And what if he's there when we break in!" I was starting to freak out a little.
"Calm down Ross, about the wasting time thing, we could always just call and say there was loud music or a party at the purps apartment and report a disturbance. And trust me we would get in and out of there unharmed, I was punching before I was walking. And I would make sure the guy wasn't there when we went in." She said. I sighed.
"Ok, I'll think about it, but for now let's just go watch 'Alpha alert'." I said as we reached my building. We went up to my apartment and Laura sat on the couch as I went to get the movie.
I then put it in the DVD player and we started to watch.
About half way through Laura started cussing every 5 minutes.
"White you don't need those stupid pills it's just a trap!! He's going to kill you!!" She said and I chuckled.
"What?" She asked.
"You do know they can't hear you right. It's just a movie." I said. She then threw a pillow at me and I laughed.
"Jack ass." She mumbled but I could still hear it.

The movie was almost over and Laura was freaking out again. This time cause captain white was climbing elevator cables trying to get away from that psychopath but then the guy behind the whole fake elevator stopping and fake terrorist attack was going to release the elevator and it would fall killing that Psycho in it.
All of a sudden we heard a beep like you would hear when someone's heart stopped. Laura then started screaming at the next scene that showed white was dead.
"Oh come on!!! She had a daughter!! She was tortured for god sakes and there going to let her die!!! Those crazy idiots!!"
I laughed again.
"Yeah I actually thought she had a chance there for a minute."
Then all of a sudden it showed a scene where she was actually alive, it's just white took off what was tracing her heart rate. Laura was happy about that I guess cause she did a little dance. We then finished the movie and Laura was crying.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, just after all she went through she was able to be a normal mom with her daughter, it's just I'm happy for her."
We then just sat in silence for a while until Laura's phone rang.
"Hello, oh ok I'll be there soon, bye. That was my mom I got to go."
I nodded my head and walked her to the door.
"I had a lot of fun today Ross, and thanks again for the phone." She said.
I nodded.
"No problem, I'll see you later."
She then left.
I sighed.
"Yep, I definitely still have a crush on her."

Hey!! Look I updated!!!

So I've got some stuff planned for this fic, and it's very evil stuff 😈

So anyway, for those of you who haven't seen 'event 15' or 'Alpha alert' it's a Jennifer Morrison movie. And I'm pretty obsessed with her rn. So if you guys were confused and you want to know what the movie is about just comment and I'll give you guys a quick run through.

Anyway I just recently finished a heavy heart and the next fic I'm planning to finish is because of my decision. But could you guys please check out my other fics!!!

And I have a new fic called habits that I am obsessed with! It's a colifer AU (the actors who play Emma swan and Captain Hook on Once upon a time) and I would really appreciate it if you guys would read it!!

Tell me what you guys think!!

Always: castle & Raura ❌Where stories live. Discover now