Awkward silence number one

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Laura's POV

My mom had called me on my 'new iPhone' telling me she was going to have to work late and Ross' dad was going to hang around at the prescient to annoy her, so she said it was ok for me to hang out with Ross until she got off work.
Me and Ross had been getting along really well ever since I got there that day, and it was just a laugh after another when we were hanging out. We were now sitting on the bed in his room eating candy and talking about how much of a jerk hunter was.

"So when did you meet hunter exactly?" Ross asked while chewing his air head.
"Well actually my so called friend at the time introduced me to him because she thought I needed some 'fun' in my life, but when I didn't want the drugs hunter started bullying me." I said while popping a few more skittles in my mouth.

"What happened between you and this 'friend'?" He made quotation marks in the air when he said friend.

I sighed. "Well her name was Mandy, and one day she just started making fun of me, calling me short, saying I was fat, and she would ignore me like I wasn't even around, until one day she kinda pissed me off to the point I walked out of her apartment and never looked back. Then she decided to go on the Internet and call me a bitch, and she said I needed to fuck off, so I was done with her."

"Sounds messy, no one ever took the time to be my friend so it's always just been me, myself, and I, but I don't really mind." He then looked away from me. I could tell it bothered him a little. I then took his hand in mine.
"Well now you got a friend, so you better get used to my annoying self being around."
He looked up at me and chuckled.
"Ok Laura, but you're going to have to get used to someone Tickling you!!" He then pounced on top of me and started tickling me. His fingers flew across my body so fast it was getting hard to breathe.
"Ross...stop... PLEASE... I can't...breathe!!" I said in between laughs. He finally got off of me and started laughing himself.
I held my gut. "What's so funny?" I asked while crossing my arms. He finally stopped laughing. He looked at me, then looked at the floor, and was it just me or was he blushing?

"Um, nothing. Hey you wanna go pick up something to eat? There's a remies a block away." He said while scratching the back of his neck.
"Sure, I'm starving." I then picked up my phone and some money from my bag then headed to the front door and he followed.
"So do you wanna walk, or take my car?" He asked.
I thought about it for a moment. "How about we walk, besides it will be nice to get some air." He nodded his head and we started walking to remies in silence.

"So Laura, what kinda music do you like?" He asked.
"Hmm, a bit of everything. I really love queen, but I really like maroon5 and one direction to."
His eyes went wide.
"Oh no, please don't tell me your one of those crazy fangirls who are obsessed with Harry styles and think there going to marry him one day!"
I laughed at his reaction.
"Now that you mention it, Laura styles has a nice ring to it, I can picture the wedding now. Harry would be in a black tux with a red tie, his shirt would be slightly unbuttoned. His hair would of grown back out to his shoulders and would be in a man bun." I bit my lit then slightly looked over at Ross to see the expression on his face was not amused, is that jealousy written on his face! No I'm just seeing things. I went on just to see what he would do.

"And then we would honey moon in pairs and we would kiss on the top of the Ifle tower, and we would spend most of our time in our hotel room in be-" I was cut off by the sound of Ross trying to ignore me.

"LA LA LA LA!!!! IM NOT LISTENING!!" He had plunged his ears with his fingers trying to block me out but this was to fun to stop.

"Oh Harry!" I said in a moan witch got Ross' attention.
"Oh god YES!" I practically screamed.
"Oh-" I was cut off again but this time by Ross' hand being placed over my mouth.
"Laura could you please not do that!!! I'll do anything but PLEASE don't do that!" He said like his life depended on it.
I gave in and nodded my head and he sighed then let go of me.
The rest of the walk to remies was silent but I didn't mind. When we got there we took a booth then a waitress about 20 or so came up to take our order.
"Hi my name is debby, now what can I get the lovely couple." I then started to laugh but stopped when I realized everyone was looking at me.
"Um sorry, it's just were not a couple." She nodded her head then took our orders. When she left I looked over at Ross to see he looked a little hurt but I shrugged it off.
"Hey do u wanna watch a movie when we get back to your place?" I asked but got no response.
"Yeah, sorry what?"
"I just asked if you wanna watch a movie when we get back to your place."
"Oh sorry I must of zoned out, but sure."
Our food came shortly after and we pretty much ate in silence, and now I was starting to worry. Before he had been so goofy and kid around, but now he was zoning out and looking uncomfortable. I just hope it's not something I did.
Hello everyone!!

Now before you start screaming, IM REALLY SORRY!!! It's just I was really busy all summer with family crap and I couldn't think of any ideas but IM BACK!! And I'm going to try and finish one of my books before October!

Now guys I'm not going to promise to update because we all know that never goes well but I will try!!!


And could you guys PLEASE go check out my other fanfics, especially 'habits' it's a colifer AU and I'm so excited about it!!! (And stana will be in a couple chapters)

Q. What tv shows r u guys watching rn?

A. House, greys, victorious, PLL, smallville, criminal minds, ICarly, private practice(trust me there are more I have probably forgot)

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Instagrams- charity_r5_marano and dark.beckett



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