Chapter 29- New Hope

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I heard werewolves nearby, their grunting and snuffling excited. I took a few tentative steps, testing my paws, which were sturdy. My whiskers twitched, tingling in the soft breeze that whispered through the trees. I moved with those whispers, my paws barely disturbing the leaves as I moved towards the snuffling sounds.

"Which part shall we tear first?" snarled a barely legible voice in the Old Tongue.

"I don't know, all of the flesh is so soft- babies are sweet," replied another voice.

I growled softly. They had my baby, I knew it. I moved to the edge of the trees of where they hid, just out of sight.

"I hope you don't intend to hurt my child," I growled, "because I will bring all of my power upon your heads."

The werewolves yelped and snarled, looking around the trees.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" growled one.

I padded forwards, spreading my wings out.

"Dare you defy me? The Powerful One?"

They yelped and backed away at the sight of me.

"A ghost!"

"A devil!"

They whimpered and rolled onto their backs. I stepped forwards, baring my teeth.

"Run away from me, little puppies," I snarled, "run away and tell your master that you disposed of the child, lest I come after you! You foul excuses to the proud race of the Werewolf!"

They whimpered and skittered away from me. I stepped forwards, nuzzling my beautiful baby Fawn. I picked her up by her pyjamas in my jaws. She gurgled happily as I carried her back towards the clearing, skirting around its edge to where I heard Narsisa talking to Lucius in a low voice.

"...are Draco's, they're our grandchildren. Just look at him! You can see it."

I saw Lucius look down at my Fafnir and his face lit up with surprise and joy.

"My grandson," he whispered, "why didn't Draco tell us?"

"How could he?" she murmured back, "The Dark Lord would have seen it in our minds, he would know. We wouldn't have been able to keep it from him. The fewer people that know the better. Draco had the right idea. But now, we know. And now his mother's dead."

"Not yet," I said, stepping into the light of their wands, leaving Fawn in the trees.

They jumped and gasped, shivering in fear.

"It's all right," I said calmly, "don't be afraid, it is me and I'm alive."

"How?" whispered Narsisa.

"It wasn't my time to die," I responded, "now give me my baby and I will leave. There is much to be done and so little time in which to do it. Harry Potter is on his way."

I brought Fawn into the light and bid them to strap the twins to my chest with silken scarves I cast. 

"Don't worry," I said softly, "you will see them again."

"Wait-" said Narsisa as I turned away to take flight.

"What is it?" I asked, desperate to get out of the danger zone.

"Is Draco, our son, alive?"

I smiled.

"Why don't you ask Harry?"

I took off into the air with a few beats of my wings, negotiating my way through the branches carefully, protecting my babies from the whipping branches with my large fore paws. I soared up over the treetops, filling with elation. I had survived the killing curse and I had my babies back. But then my heart constricted painfully. Fred was gone, though. I cuddled my babies tighter, flying low over the grounds, seeing the rescue efforts beneath me. I had to help. I landed at the front doors and rushed through them, standing in the entrance to the Great Hall. Never had it looked so different. The wounded were being tended to and the dead were laid out beneath sheets. Tears split from my eyes, my dreams rushing back to me. 

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