Chapter 1: Moving

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I just moved into a new part of London and while next to the moving truck, I notice a curly brown haired guy in the distance. My eyes begin to widen as I see him walking under the orange leaves on the trees. His brown curly hair brushed through the wind, his cute little dimples, laying on his cheeks and his green orbs for eyes, shinning in the sun, like mini stars.

He was grinning, with his blonde friend beside him.  I hadn't noticed him a few minutes back. I guess I was too star struck from the other guy.

I was wondering what he was grinning about as my mom interrupted my day dreaming, "Ellie, me and your father are going to the mall to buy a couple of stuff. Would you mind looking after your brother while we are gone? Thanks!” she said, in the black Honda with Dad. "Alright, mum.” I said, and then they drove off.

The other guy was coming closer and his blonde friend was whispering and nudging the other guy's shoulders while looking at me after every few seconds. Alright, let’s just call him... Curly. Named after his brown locks. Curly and I had gotten eye contact with each other and he smiled at me with his dimples being revealed once again.

My brother had attacked me at that point, ruining the moment, "Alex! What do you think you're doing!! You've ruined my hair now!” I said in an annoyed voice, not remembering that Curly was right there in front of me. Curly had a huge smile on his face and walked off with his blonde friend.

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