Chapter 4: Meeting my parents

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-Next day-

I wake up and turn on my laptop to open Facebook. I see that someone has friend requested me! I click on it to find out and when I see it, it was Harry Styles!! I of course accept it and look at his profile picture where he is SHIRTLESS! OMG!

I melt as I look at it while I receive a message. It was from him!! He said, “Hey Ellie, you’re pretty cool, wanna hang out sometime? Give me your number so I can text and call you for the plans ;)”. I was literally jumping up and down in excitement and messaged,”Hi Harry, uhm yea, I would love to hang out with you! Here’s my number. 0506946882. ;) “.

I went offline on Facebook and switched off my laptop and minutes later, I got a text message an unknown number saying, “Hey, Ellie. It’s Harry here, this is my number, and do you want to go to the beach with me and my friends next Thursday? ;)”, did Harry Styles just ask me out on a date?! Well, kind of a date. I replied, “Yes I would like to go with you! Actually, I would LOVE to. ;) What time are you going to pick me up?” Harry was 18 already so he could drive. He replied few minutes later saying,” Great, I’ll pick you up at 4:30pm. See you. ;)”. I was squealing like a mouse! I am having my first date/outing with Harry in a few days!!

I few days had past and it was the day Harry was taking me out.

I went to lie down on my bed, looking at the time on my phone continuously and eventually fell asleep from excitement.

I awoke with having morning stars on the sides of my eyes and my phone slipping through my hand nearly about to fall.

I start to close my eyes again. After a few minutes I realize I am going on a date with Harry today!! As I woke up and sat down straight in my bed, I look at the time. It’s 3:55pm! In 35 minutes, Harry is going to come! I better get ready!

I get out of my bed, get into the shower and start to get ready. As I’m doing my hair, it’s 4:15pm. Harry is coming in 15 minutes so I speed up trying to tie my hair up in a bun.

I slip my bikini on, my tank top and a pair of ripped denim shorts and put my Vans on. I brought a bag with extra clothes and some slippers and I took my Blackberry and went downstairs.

As soon as I was ready, with 5 minutes to spare, it was 4:25pm. I sat on the couch and flipped through the channels, trying use the time, and 2 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I thought to myself, “Wow, he’s 3 minutes early! Shut up Ellie, you’re being too obsessed! Now go and get the door and welcome him inside so he can meet your parents!”  I did as I told myself, I opened the door with a welcoming smile and he smiled back at me, stepping inside your house. “Hi, Ellie. Are you ready to go?” He said, still smiling. “Hi, Harry, yes I’m ready to go. Why don’t you meet my parents while you’re here?” I said to his green eyes. “Sure.” He said pleasurably. Then my Mom and Dad walked in to the room and said, “Hello, you must be Harry. I’m Bailey, and this is Ed.” “Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Snow.  Yes ma’am, I’m Harry.” He said greeting them politely. “Well then you 2 best be off, there will be traffic soon.” My mom said. “Yes, and Harry, take care of our daughter. Bring her home at 10:30pm sharp. Ellie, baby, call us if you need anything okay?” My Dad ordered. “Yes, Sir, I will, Sir.” Harry said obeying my Dad’s orders. “Yes, Dad. Bye.”I said waving back at them. 

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