Chapter 5: A day at the beach

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We left the house and into Harry’s car. It smelled of his fragrance he always wears. I loved his fragrance, I could smell it all day. Okay, that sounds pretty weird so I guess I should stop.

I had butterflies, fluttering around in my guts, the whole journey. I tried to get rid of it by quietly singing along to the radio and I guess Harry had heard me singing because he smiled, twisted the radio volume and started singing along.

We got to the parking and we got out, taking the picnic matt and our bags. We headed on to the sand and we started seeing Harry’s friends in the distance. Harry started smiling at them and waving as we got closer.

3 of the boys had a girl with them. We reached to them and Harry put the matt down. We put our stuff on it and greeted everyone. Well, Harry did at least. He introduced me to everyone, starting from the blonde, Niall. He was Irish, as I heard from Sarah. Then Louis, Liam and Zayn. Harry then introduced me to their girlfriends, Louis’ girl, Eleanor, such a convenience we had a very similar name, Liam’s girl, Sophia and last but not least, Zayn’s girl, Perrie. Zayn and Perrie were engaged, Harry told me in the car, on the way. They all greeted me back and we started talking.

Harry was the first to remove his shirt, with only his boxers and swimming trunks on him. Then he said, “Who wants to go swimming?” Putting his hand out to me. I smiled and removed my top and bottoms and was only in a bikini. Harry scanned me, top to bottom and grinned, putting his hand around my waist, pulling me forward.

He started tickling me, and ran away to the water. I chased after him although I already knew I couldn’t catch up, comparing his long legs to mine. Reaching the water, the salty substance flew to his eyes, causing him to scrunch up his nose and squeeze his eyes tightly together.

I fell and landed in his strong arms and he carried me in the water, with us both looking at each other’s eyes and everyone else just staring at us. We broke the connection and called everyone to the water. All of them came except for Zayn and Perrie as they stayed lying down on the picnic matt together. They didn’t come because everyone knew Zayn was afraid of water.

We were all in the water, in pairs, and I and Harry went out further, while everyone else was busy. We stopped to a point where we couldn’t reach. It was a good thing it was low-tide, or we could have drowned by now.

He held me close, with my chin on his shoulder, his hands on my waste and my hands on his back. We were in a perfect position. It was like a dream come true!

His lips were inches away from mine and we both closed our eyes and tilted our heads in different directions. We were about to kiss, until Eleanor screamed. We call panicked and came to her. Turns out, she screamed because she saw a jelly fish and was about to get stung by it. We were all laughing and Louis carried her bridal style, back to the picnic mats where Zayn and Perrie laid, in each other’s arms.

We called it a day and went to our homes, exhausted.

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