Chapter 7: Occasions & events

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1 month has past and me and the rest of the gang hung out a lot and became best of friends.

It was mine and Niall’s birthday this month. Mine was on the 15th and his was on the 13th. So we decided to celebrate ours together, on the same day, so it would be twice as fun.

We planned it at a 5 star beach resort hotel kind of place. Today was the 10th and we couldn’t wait for the 14th! Because that’s the day we are going!

We booked for 5 rooms for 3 days. We all know that it’s going to be a blast!

Next day, the weekend has gone and it’s Monday again. Oh, how I hate Mondays! Although it’s quite good considering I could see the gang.

I arrive at school, walked to my locker as Harry catches up to me, holding my waist, kissing the side of my forehead.

“Good morning, beautiful. Now you know I’m saying it to you” he says to me, smiling. “Good morning, handsome. Yeah well, I’ve always known it was for me.” I said smiling back, while I open my locker and get my books out to just stuff in my bag.

My chemistry and biology books were so heavy; I almost dropped them on the ground. Harry catches them in time and says, “Whoops, careful babe, you wouldn’t want to hurt yourself. Here, let me help.”

As he helps me put the books in my bag, he takes the bag from me instead and he carries it for me. “Oh, no, it’s okay babe, I can handle it.” I said reassuring him. But, of course, being the gentleman he is, he denied and had my bag on his chest, carrying it the other way around, with his own bag on his back.

The first lesson was again, English. We walked to class and he held my hand and kissed me on the lips like we’ve been dating forever. Of course, I’m not complaining. I just... observe a lot. Harry and I got to class and sat down at our seats, at the back of the class. He put my bag down first, pulling the chair back for me to sit down and then he took a seat and put his bag down.

We had an activity to do and Mrs. Eva paired me up with some guy named Jake. He was one of the Jocks and I guess everyone was saying he was Kate’s boyfriend. He seemed like a nice guy when we were alone but when his friends came, he was a whole new person. He started to act mean and tough. Although I know he was a soft teddy bear on the inside, he acted as if he wanted to be someone else in public. We did our fair share on the project and we got a fair grade. While we were working in class, he put his hand on mine. I knew Harry was watching and he saw what Jake did. Although, going back to our grades, I honestly, I think we did a good job.

I guess Harry got jealous, as after school while we are walking home, he acted a bit weird. Not being beside me, not holding my hand or anything. I said, “Anything wrong, babe?” feeling concerned about him. “No, nothing is wrong.” He said, in a grumpy manner. “Come on, I know something is wrong. Is it about Jake?” I said, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe.” He said, crossing his arms, looking down. “Aw, come on now babe, he’s taken and I am too, by the most handsome, most caring gentleman I have ever met.” I say to him, smiling, trying to make him feel better. He looked at me with his green button eyes and smiled, making his dimples reappear. He bear hugged me, tight. I could once again hear his heartbeat.

Harry came home with me, not going home to his house, he phoned up his parents and told them and they said okay. So everything was clear and since my parents are out of town, without anything to contact them with, he was basically allowed to stay. I think. We went up to the room and did our homework together. It was real fun. We prank called Liam and Sophia. It was hilarious! Harry said to Liam during the phone call in a different voice, “Erm, excuse me Sir, but why is your refrigerator running?” “Uhm, what?” With Sophia in a background, giggling. “Because it had fast-food in it! HA-HA, GET IT?!” Harry said, ending the joke. “Hah- Nice try Harry. Oh, that was the worst one yet!” Liam said, joking around. “UH, what are you talking about? Who’s Harry?” Harry said cutting the phone and we both burst in to laughter.

We sat on my bed, which then was followed by Harry being over me, kissing me passionately. He kissed the sides of my neck, leaving love bites. I got up, going to the kitchen, when Harry chased after me to the hallway where he then pinned me to the wall, “Where do you think you’re going?” he said, with a cheeky grin sliding across his face. We were about to make out, till the phone rang. I answered and on the other end, ironically, were Niall and Sarah. I put it on loud speaker so Harry could also hear what they would say. “Hey Ellie, I suspect you’re with Harry right now. I’m here with Sarah. Say hello, babe.” Niall said on the other line. “Hey, guys. Having fun, I suppose?” Sarah said laughing a bit. “Yeah, as if you two aren’t.” I say, joking around with them. “Niall, why’d you have to call? It was getting to the good part!” Harry says, whining. “Well, sorry I’m not psychic, mate.” Niall says back. “We just wanted to let you guys know that the date of the celebration has been moved to the 13th. Bye!” Sarah says and before she hangs up I could hear giggles and kisses. Harry and I go in shock, as tomorrow was the 13th!

After they hang up, Harry and I got a bit cold. So we went upstairs to lie down on my bed. With Harry’s arms, wrapped around me like a blanket, while we watched T.V. I closed my eyes for a while and Harry and I fell asleep on my bed, together, forgetting everything Sarah told us on the phone.

I will update when i can ;3 Next parts will hopefuly be out and posted soon! ;3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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