Chapter 2: Highschool

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-Next day in school-

I walk in the hallway, confused and lost as I see all the groups in different parts of the hallway. I saw the Jocks, the Vain & Popular girls, the Bullies, the Emos, the Nerds, but what caught my attention was the 5 boys standing at a side of the hallway, with 3 of them back against the lockers and 2 of them in front, talking. I saw the blonde guy from yesterday and he saw me too.

 He started whispering to the other boys. One of the 2 boys facing the lockers had curly hair and I recognized him in an instant.  He turned around and saw me. He smiled and waved at me, his dimples where killing me!!! I almost died.

I got to my first class. English. I opened the door and went in and the teacher, Mrs. Eva, short for Evaline, welcomed me in while she was taking the register. "Ah! Ms. Snow! Class, this is the new student, Eleanore Snow. Why don’t you go and take a seat dear. Ah, there’s an empty seat next to Mr. Styles!”  I blushed as I saw Curly, whom Mrs. Eva was pointing to.

 I went to take a seat next to him, being shy and keeping my distance. I put my bag down and took my books out. Then I heard a deep voice coming from the side of me, "Hey, the name's Harry.” He said, putting his hand out in front of me. "I-I'm Eleanore. Y-you can call me Ellie." I said stuttering. "Well? Aren’t you gonna shake my hand?" He said smiling.  "Oh, I-I’m sorry.  I’m not used to talking to boys." I said, shaking his hand.

His hand was so warm and I felt like holding onto him forever. "I'm sorry, but do you want to learn or shake hands?" Mrs. Eva said to us. "Sorry Mrs. Eva.", the both of us say, smiling at each other mischievously.

A few periods passed and it was now Biology.

It went on again as my Biology teacher; Mr. Anderson introduced me to the class.

He sat me down next to a girl who had her hair tied up and with it being Pure Blonde, her eyes, brown and her eyelashes being really thick and long as she puts more mascara on. She even applied a thick layer of pink lipstick. She looked like a Barbie Doll!

"Hi, I'm Kate." She said out loud. "Hi, I'm Eleanore, but you can call me Ellie." I whispered, so Mr. Anderson wouldn't catch us talking. "Hey, wanna hang out with me and my friends at lunch?" She asked me, smiling. "Sure, sounds like a great idea." I said smiling back at her.

We started talking about a bunch of stuff and this subject came up about ‘Boyfriends & Girlfriends’. Before that, we were talking about siblings and turns out, we both had a younger brother! A thought popped into my head and before I could stop it, the words came out of my mouth. “If your brother dated someone, would you mind?” “Yes, of course I would mind! He’s my brother! And, it’s an advantage for me when he’s single.” She says. “How so?” I ask. “Well, all the other girls would beg me to make him go on a date with them. I always say yes but under one condition. They have to do stuff for me. For example, last month, a girl had to dress up like me and look like me and take my place in detention and Physical Education for dodge ball. She had loads of bruises the next day but I never had a mark since. Although, not one girl till this day has actually gone out with him. I always trash it and blame it on some other person,” So this girl uses his brother, fake promises girls and frames people? What kind of sick joke is this?!

Mr. Anderson was writing stuff on the board to copy but instead, she was admiring herself in the mirror. Mr. Anderson didn't seem to mind.

I still stuck to my word and at lunch I sat with Kate and her friends, and they didn’t eat at all. They passed Gossip about everyone and applied a bunch of makeup. I honestly didn’t like putting on makeup. I don’t know why, but I don’t.

The lessons started again. It was Physical Education next. We got changed and went out into field. We were doing Track and Field.

We had a break on the benches and this girl who was panting sat down next to me, drinking her bottle of water. She had Brown hair with it getting lighter towards the bottom, turning into blonde on the tips.

“Hi, I’m Sarah!  You must be new here! I haven’t seen you around!” She said energetically. I replied back saying “Hey, nice to meet you!  I’m Eleanore. You can call me Ellie. And yeah I’m new here.”

Later on, our P.E teacher, Mrs. Laven, although the class likes to call her Mrs. Claire, paired us on the next activity. We had fun doing the activity and that then, was a day at high school, done and dusted.

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