Chapter 3: Gossip

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I came home, putting my bag down near the door, greeting Mom, Dad and my obnoxious but sweet little brother. He is 3 years old and in fact, he’s starting kindergarten in a few days.

We were having Dinner and I told my parents about my day and who all I met. Then, I went to my room and did my Math homework. I got stuck on the last 2 questions so I decided to give Sarah a call.

*Sarah’s Mom picks up.*

“Hello?” her mom says. “Yes, good evening, this is Ellie, May I speak to Sarah please?” I asked, politely. “Yeah, sure Hun, give me a second.” She said nicely.

I could still hear her in the background screaming to upstairs. “SARAH! THE PHONE’S FOR YOU! IT’S ELLIE!” I start to smile as I hear Sarah in the background too. “OKAY, MOM I’M COMING!” Sarah says as she goes downstairs and brings the phone to her room.

We start talking about Math and then it turns into Gossip about the Jocks of how big and strong they are. One of them constantly stares at me. I think his name was Mosby. Then the conversation changed to being about the 5 boys.

I tell her about English and how Harry sits next to me. She squeals and says. “YOU SIT NEXT TO HARRY STYLES!? OMG GIRL YOU SHOULDN’T EVER CHANGE YOUR SEAT!”, “Well why not?” you say, “Because he’s Harry!!! The Popular 5 are so dreamy! Especially that Irish boy…” she said, fan-girling. “Well I wouldn’t change my seat because I think I’ve gained feelings for him the moment I saw him walk down my street.” I said. “No surprise, Harry is one hell of a guy. He is HOOOT~!” she says while we laugh on the phone together.

“Dude, you should totally talk to him in English!” Sarah says to me before we hang up on each other. “I don’t know… I don’t know if I can do it! We’ll see on Monday. Since it’s weekend now.” I tell her. Then the subject changes to Kate. The girl in my Biology class. Sarah starts it off by saying how popular and vain she is. Then Sarah says “And, did you know, she’s Mr. Anderson’s daughter!” “Well, that explains a lot.” I said. “Alright, then. I gotta go! Pretty Little Liars is showing on T.V! Bye!” as she hangs up on me.  

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