Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

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3 months has past and me and Harry had been hanging out a lot. We became good friends but still had feelings for each other.

I woke up this morning thinking about Harry. I just couldn’t get him out of my head. So I decided to give him a text.

It’s weekend, so I woke up rather late. Although, before I could text him, I saw that I had received a new message. It’s probably Sarah, asking about Niall again.

I opened the message and guess who it was from! That’s right! It was from Harry!!! I read it saying, “Good Afternoon, beautiful ;)” then after that it said, “Oh sorry, wrong chat. ;)” I rolled my eyes and replied, “Hah-hah. Very funny, Harry.” “I was being serious ;)” He replied back in a bolt. “Hehe, I’m kidding Hun. ;) Have you had lunch yet?” He said. “No I haven’t. Why do you ask?” I said replying to his question. “I was wondering if you could come to my house this afternoon, bring a friend. Me and Niall are getting quite lonely.” He asked. “Sure. I’ll bring over Sarah. Since she’s the only friend I know. Can you pick me up at 3:30pm?” I asked. “Yeah, sure.” He said with delight on the text. “See you.” “See you.”

With us ending the conversation, I got up from my bed and gave Sarah a call. I told her the plans and asked if she could make it and she agreed, hanging up to get ready, since it was already 2:30pm.

I finished changing into my Superman hoodie, skinny jeans and some snapbacks I bought the other day. For the finishing touches I put on mascara and eyeliner to make my Hazel eyes pop out a bit more. I put on my “OBEY” hat on and then texted Harry to see where he’s at, since it’s 3:25pm. He told me he’s nearly at my house. There’s a bit of traffic since there was an accident on my road.

He went around my house, to reach my driveway. Harry went to my front door and knocked. I said loudly, “Coming! Who is it?” Since my parents aren’t home I decided to ask. “It’s Harry. Sorry I’m a bit late; I got caught up in traffic.” He said. Talking through the door. “It’s alright.” I said opening the door to see a tall, slender man standing there with his hair pushed back. “Hi. So uh, where are your parents? Ready to go?” he said, with a bit of a shiver in his voice. “Uh, yeah, I’m ready. My parents are uh, out of town.” I answered.

We went out the door and found a load of ambulances and police cars.

Although without a thought, we got into the Mercedes and left.

His car still smelled of the fragrance he wears. I couldn’t help but breathe in. “Are you okay there Ellie?” he asked, concerned of me. “Haha, yeah. I just really like the smell of you and your car.” I said, calming him down. “Oh, haha.  Thanks...” He said smiling.

We reached his house and there Niall was, feasting on the food inside the fridge. “Hi, guys.” Niall said with a full mouth. “Hey, Niall.” We both said in unison, smiling at each other.

We both sat on the couch and I said, “Oh, by the way, if you guys didn’t know, Sarah is on her way.” “What?!” Niall said, still with a full mouth. Harry whispered with a cheeky grin, “If you didn’t know, Niall has had a crush on Sarah, ever since.” “Oh, really?” I said mischievously. He nodded in return and he turned on the T.V, flipping through the channels. He stopped at a Chick Flick movie and we were watching that while waiting for Sarah to arrive and Niall, upstairs, getting ready.

We heard the door bell ring and I get up to open it while Niall is in the background trying to stay calm and act cool for Sarah but I know that he’s really panicking on the inside.

I opened the door for Sarah to come in and I hugged her, greeting her with open arms.

She wore a pair of shorts and black and white sneaks. Her hair was opened up, reaching up to her waist and she had a T-shirt saying, “KEEP CALM AND EAT FOOD”. With a pizza as the top image. Niall looked at her like she was food. And Niall loved food.

Sarah greeted Harry and saw Niall and looked at him the same way. Me and harry just stood there laughing as we tried to break their day dreaming so we could carry on with our day.

They finally snapped out of their trance and shyly greeted each other. “Um, H-Hi.” They both say, stuttering out their words.

We sat down on the floor of Harry’s bedroom. We decided to play Truth or Dare. We spun the bottle as I wondered when Niall and Sarah would kiss. Ironically, the bottle landed on me and Niall.

I had to ask Niall, “Truth or Dare?” “Uhh, Truth.” He said scared. “Okay, who in this room do you have a crush on?”  I asked him with a grin on my face. “Uh… What? No, I mean… Dare, I choose dare.” He said confidently. “Alright then, I dare you to tell me who your crush is.” I said smiling at him. Niall was blushing like crazy. It looked as if his face was a tomato!

“Well, come on then Niall. Spit it out.” Harry says, backing me up. “Sarah…” He whispered trying not to let anyone hear. Me and Harry knew the answer already. “What? I didn’t quite get you.” I said, trying to make him say it. “Sarah…” He said a bit louder. Harry and I asked him quite a few times, to make him say it loud enough for Sarah to hear.

“Alright, my crush is Sarah, okay?” He said blushing and made Sarah blush too.

Sarah was 18 and Niall was 17. It was the opposite with me and Harry.

“Really? You like me?” Sarah said. “Yeah, I know, it’s stupid. It’s okay if you don’t like me back, I understand. I mean who would like an Irish boy like me, who likes to eat a lot?” He said, putting his head down. “I would.” Sarah said, lightening up Niall’s mood. “Do you really!!” Niall asked in excitement. “Yeah, I do! Though why didn’t you say anything?” Sarah said. “Well, I thought you would have rejected me.” Niall said. “No! Never in a million years!” She said as she winked at Niall, giving him the shivers and putting a smile on his face. “So, will you be my princess?” Niall asked, romantically. “Yes! Of course!” Sarah replied happily.

They kissed and from that moment on they started sitting close together at everything we did that night.

We played Blind Man’s Bluff or however you say it. Although, we played it a bit differently. We tied both the boys’ eyes with blind folds and me and Sarah Stood at a place where they had to find us.

They went, trying to find us. Niall walked out of the room without knowing and Sarah started giggling. So it was me and Harry alone in the room.

He was walking around in circles, so I went up to him. I got near him and giggled so he knew where I was.

He eventually got hold of me and put his hands on my waist. I put mine in his curly, brown hair. Our lips got together, his tongue slipped in, navigating through my mouth. He pulled me even closer.

The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering more than ever. My heart beat, rising rapidly as I could hear his.

“I love you, will you be mine?” He said, removing his blind fold. “I love you too and I would love to, Harry.” I said, looking at his marvelous, green eyes.

We hadn’t notice that Sarah and Niall were standing at the doorway. “How long have you guys been watching?!” Harry says joking around. “Since the start” They both say as Niall winks at Harry. “Well, I guess we better be getting home.” I said sadly. “Well, since you don’t have a ride home, I’ll take you.” He winks at me. “Well obviously.” I said, winking back at him.

Niall wasn’t permitted to drive yet so Sarah took him home and drove back to her place.

Me and Harry arrived at my house and he knew I was going to be home alone, with my little brother, but he couldn’t stay over, as his parents would worry. I understood him although he came to the doorstep with me and dropped me off.

“I had an extraordinharry night,” I said smiling, waiting desperately for him to catch the reference. He laughed and said “Me too. We should do this often.” And then he kissed me goodnight and left. 

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