Chapter 10 - Nightmares

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James POV

*A week later*

Despite wanting to ignore the leech's warning, I wasn't that foolish. No matter our disagreements – euphemism if there ever was one - my family meant the world to me, and I'd do whatever it took to keep them safe.

Which was why I had security upped at our house as well as the houses of my other family members. Convincing my Father without giving away my source wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated, and I had my earlier actions to thank for that.

The seeds had been planted, and destruction had blossomed to magnanimous proportions. Just as I had intended, the Fiboanccis had went after the Degraci family. Bodies had been mutilated, heads decapitated and hearts ripped out in the bloodbath. And in the aftermath remain two families now so much weaker than they had ever been. Which is why my father agreed to up security, just in case the Fibonacci or Degraci traced the root of the problem back to the Lanchesters.  I had to swallow my pride when I asked my Father. I knew he was angrier than ever. 

"I'm always having to clean up your messes James! When will you ever learn?" he had said angrily. I had ignored the bitterness that had crept into my heart and reminded myself of what was important; keeping the rest of my family safe.

As expected, the Degraci family were worse off. Their coven had declined from around 30 members to the lucky number 13. Although unexpectedly, the Fibonaccis weren't as weak as I’d hoped. 

Being caught out by the Elders had went against my plans and it seemed as if my momentary period of luck had lapsed. Even if I had been able to round up the boys, we wouldn't be able to take the Fibonaccis on without taking a few losses ourselves. I wasn't prepared to put them in that extreme level of danger. Not only was I unable to attack the leeches due to their numbers, I had failed to convince the Elders of my plight. With these three things against me it seemed impossible for me to execute the plan I had set in motion.

Anger coursed through my veins. My time spent planning the annihilation of the Fibonacci had been a huge waste. I was under lock and key and the vampires were still roaming the Earth freely. The only good thing that had come off of this was the few vampires that had been killed during the tussle.

Confined to my bedroom once more, I lay on my bed pondering over Blondie's warning. Why would the Fibonacci be coming after us? Despite what I had told my Father and what he now thinks, our involvement in the initial murders of the Fibonacci scribes were untraceable. I had made sure of it. My plans might've somewhat failed but I was nothing if not thorough.

Comparatively, we were a threat - unlike other humans - but we had never made any direct hits at the Fibonacci to gain us the wrath of their anger. It's possible that Blondie is lying. Why would she go through so much of trouble to warn us? Even after I had taken her captive. It just doesn't make sense...

Arianna's POV

The sky was wide and never ending. It was a infinite depth of beautiful blueness. Not a cloud marred the flawless canvas. I twirled my foot in the pool water, the rest of my body out of the pool lying on the floor looking up into the sky wondering what really was out there. The cool breeze licked at my skin cooling the uncomfortable warmth which the sun's rays brought. the air was thick with the smell of chlorine and freshly mown grass. Plainly stated, it was a beautiful day.

I sighed in contentment. What could get better than this? I was free. I was alone to do as I pleased. And on a day like this nothing seemed impossible.

I closed my eyes, sighing. I must've fallen asleep because when I awoke the sky was nearly dark and was now supporting heavy dark columns of cloud. Thunder boomed and lightning crackled, illuminating the sky as if it were day once again. I shivered. The once cool breeze was now a harsh wind whipping at my exposed flesh, sending shivers to the core of my being. I got up, my foot now numb from being in the water for too long, and dusted some dirt of my rear.

It was then that I caught it. It was scent I would never forget. A scent I once held so dear to me now made my toes curl with fear.

My neck prickled, my posture tensing as I watched him suavely glide out from the shadows. I studied his painfully handsome face, looking for the anger and hatred I knew he probably felt for me now. I had left him after all. Without a word; without a note. I had just left. To him, his doings were not immoral so how could he even know the reasons behind my departure?

To my surprise, his face only held warmth and adoration. This only made me more wary. I watched as he approached me,not looking as if he were here for a fight. His blue eyes sparkled with joy and a knee-weakening grin was making it's way onto his face.

He now stood in front of me, staring into my eyes. Putting his large hands around my smaller ones he curled open a tight fist held at my side. He opened my palm and laced one hand through mines. With his other hand he brushed the pad of his thumb against my cheek before cupping my face lovingly. 

What the hell was he doing??

Before I could ask him this, he spoke.

"Arianna" he whispered.


"Do you think you could just leave me like that my Anna." he whispered again, still smiling.

"You know you belong to me don't you? You always will."

Suddenly all warmth from his face vanished and what replaced it was a cold, sneer. Even when angry the man before me was still beautiful.

Just as his expression had changed suddenly, so did his hold on me. He tightened his grasp on my hand till I thought he was going to shatter every bone, and gripped my face so hard it was sure to leaving  five bruising slashes on my cheek.

His voice now cold and calculated, he said what I knew he would and what I wished he wouldn't.

"You know I'll find you Anna. I'll always find you. Even if I have to go to the ends of the Earth, I will find you."

I awoke with a start, looking around me frantically, gasping like I’d emerged from drowning. I was in a small, steel room with a toilet, basin and a cupboard with supplies.

I sighed, my heart rate slowing down. It was just a dream. Never would I have thought I'd be this glad to be held captive.

"Nightmare?" asked Lanchester from the door of the room.

I had seen him when I had scanned the room but I hadn't been too worried. All I wanted to know was that I was not by that dreaded pool with that dreaded man.

I would usually come back with smart-ass reply but after that nightmare I was too shaken up to bicker with the human.

"Yeah, the worst kind." I said, day dreaming, thinking of Xavier's sneer.

"And what kind is that Blondie?"

I ignored his jab at the color of my hair, unlike I had been doing for the past week. No, my life is not like a story of off the pages from a book. In the week that I had been here, I had not fallen in love with my captor and neither him with me. He was nice to look at, but he was also an ass. Not going after another ass so soon.

"The kind which is more like reality than dream. The type which feels like it's happened before or is going to happen in the future."

"Want to talk about it?" he asked not unkindly. I raised my eyebrow in suspicion.

"Um. No, thanks."

"Good. Because I wasn't planning on listening to your sob-fest." he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes. This man was as annoying as a mosquito buzzing in your ear when you're trying to sleep. I laugh to myself. Ironic isn't it. That's probably what humans permanently feel like with vampires ruling the world.

He threw my daily bottle of blood at me and left the room without another word. I sighed once more. I really hate animal blood.

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