Chapter 9 - Merciless

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 Somewhere deep within the lair of the Fibonacci...

A feeble knock sounded on the massive, wooden doors leading to Xavier's study.

"Come." said the deep, harsh voice from within.

The scrawny, pale vampire entered the room nervously, with his eyes glued to the ground. His long, black, oily hair fell over his face hiding it from view, but even then Xavier could smell the sweat being secreted from the man's pores.

The man's frantic, scared heartbeat, quite different to a human’s but still a heartbeat no less, was so loud it seemed to bounce of the walls of the medieval looking, dimly lit room. It echoed through the silence reaffirming what Xavier had already expected.

"Did you find her?" he said, not looking up from the paper work on his desk.

"N-N-No My Lord."

"No?" said Xavier, looking up, cocking his head to the side, piercing the man before him with his icy blue gaze.

'W-w-well, I d-d-did f-find her. B-b-but then I l-lost her," stuttered the man, his eyes wide with terror.

"Is that so?" Xavier said calmly.

"Yes, M-my Lord. I tailed her to London and then she just d-disappeared."

Xavier leaned back in his chair and laughed mirthlessly.

"Jeffrey you fool. Why did you even bother coming back?" he said malevolently


"I gave you one task to do and one task only: to bring back my Arianna! And you come back here empty handed not even armed with a good enough excuse!" he bellowed, getting up out of his leather chair.

Jeffrey cowered away from the man in front of him. Xavier was a person who emitted power and status. His presence itself demanded respect. No one could mistake this man for being unimportant. 

The fury radiating off of Xavier in scorching waves suddenly ceased. What took its place was a calm demeanor much more lethal than the anger that had just dissipated.

Jeffrey stood rooted to the spot, unable to breathe, unable to blink, unable to even attempt trying to make a run for it. Maybe he knew it was useless; Xavier would hunt him down and rip off his head. Or maybe he was so encapsulated by fear that his natural instinct for survival had diminished completely.

Xavier languidly walked towards the massive, stone fire place. Resting one arm on the mantle he gazed into the flames, prodding an iron poker in the smoldering hearth.

"I'm a reasonable man Jeffrey. You know that don't you? If you had reasons worth listening to, accounting for your stupidity I might've let you live. Might've. Actually, probably not. But it wouldn't have been as painful as it's going to be."

Before Jeffrey had a chance to gulp, Xavier wrenched out the burning hot poker from the fire, knifing it through the air like a javelin, spearing it through Jeffrey’s kneecap sending him toppling to the ground.

Jeffrey howled and screamed in pain, writhing on the mahogany, wooden floors.

Xavier stood calmly alongside the fire place as if nothing had happened. 

"I won’t have sons of bitches working for me. Oh no, sir, I will not." said Xavier calmly as he heated another poker in the angry flames.

"Neither will I have imbecile, good for nothing bastards working for me!" said Xavier, his voice raising with every word.

Brandishing his poker as if it were a sword, he strolled towards the terrified man on the floor, saying coolly with a sadistic grin on his handsome face, "I'm going to make an example of you Jeffrey. You should feel honored really. You get to show all the other sons of bitches, what happens when I don't get what I've asked for.”

"No! No! Please! Please, My Lord! Please! I'll do better next time! Please!" managed Jeffrey through his cries.

Standing above Jeffrey, looking down at his writhing body, Xavier said, "There will be no next time." With that being said, he speared the poker through Jeffrey’s other hand.

For the rest of the night, the Fibonacci lair echoed with cries of anguish and pain. It resonated from room to room, either bringing delight or horror to those who heard the helpless wails.

Finally, at the crack of dawn, with a terrifying crunch of broken skull, the piercing screeches came to a halt...



Hello there my dear readers :)

It's been a while since my last A/N hasn't it?

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's reading and voting on this story. You have no idea how excited I get when I see that someone's voted or fanned me. I hope you've enjoyed what you've read thus far. And if so, keep reading because things get waaaay more interesting!:D

Also, I apologize for this chapter being so short. Though, regardless of the length, I really enjoyed writing this particular chapter. I have no idea why it's in the 3rd person but it just sounds more eerie doesn't it?

Anywho, don't forget to vote/comment/fan! Especially comment! I'd love to hear what you guys think; what you like about the story, what you don't etc. Not that I'm not excited about this story, but comments would really help to urge me to update more often :) 

Ok, that's all. Love you all! :) <3

P.S. Anyone think a creature profile is a good idea? Considering the vampires in my book are so different from the run of the mill vampire, I think it would be a good idea to sort of state their abilities, weaknesses, etc. What do you guys think?:)

P.P.S Anyone noticed that Xavier is played by Michael Fassbender? Who thinks he’s the coolest, most awesome actor ever? *raises hand excitedly*

P.P.P.S This A/N is really long. I’m going to stop now.

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