Chapter 2 - Flight

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Chapter 2

Arianna's POV

My breaths coming in short I sped up, anxious to reach the heart of London. I had been running flat out for the past two hours. My feet were starting to ache and I could feel myself weaken. After running for so long and not having fed for two days, even a vampire gets tired...

I had past town after town. Village after village. But I did not stop running. I needed the safety and reclusiveness of the city. I needed to get lost between the beautiful buildings of London so that I would not be found. I needed to get away from them...

Just another fifteen minutes and I'd be in London. Just another fifteen minutes before I would be safe. Just another fifteen minutes before I could feed...

I wrinkle my nose at the thought. The majority of vampires including myself have never enjoyed feeding. We feed because we have to. We have to eat to live. Just like how humans need to eat in order to survive. But it doesn't mean we have to like it. Idiotic humans think that we enjoy feeding. What a load of bull. Their minds have been infested by books and movies which tell them that blood is alluring to us. That it calls to us and that we cannot resist. We are not animals. We are not ruled and controlled by our cravings for blood. Yes some blood tastes better than other blood just like some human food tastes better than other food but it's not like we're druggies eagerly awaiting our next dose.

But that's the majority of vampires. Then you get some vampires who feed for fun. Kill for fun. Torture for fun...

I'm glad the days when humans would die when fed on by a vampire are gone. My soul would be guilt ridden and I don't think I would be able to live with myself knowing that I had killed so many. And yes, vampires do have souls. We are not the undead or what ever some humans seem to think.

Those vampires find a sickening enjoyment in hunting their prey. They live for the thrill of inciting fear. They stalk and terrorize and then pounce. And they do not feed and leave the human be. They feed and feed and feed, sucking out every little drop of blood. They feed until their human prey is dead and dry. Till that human's organs and flesh is dry and shrivelled and black. Only then are they satisfied. They think humans to be below them and inferior. They are merely pawns in a game of chess.

I know vampires like this. I know them too well. And that's why I'm running. Running so that never again do I have to see the things I've seen. Never again do I have to stand on the side lines and not do anything to stop great evils from being done.

These vampires are notorious. And they are the Fibonaccis.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a 100 years old when I met Xavier. It was love at first sight. I thought that we'd get married have children and a white picket fence but boy was I wrong. After a few years of dating I realised that Xavier was involved in something. Something that was dark and evil. But I loved him and so I stuck by him for 45 years. Over the years I learnt that he was the leader of the "Fibonacci Family". And although there was a lot of good in him, there was much more evil. He was a fierce leader, a tyrant, a sadistic, twisted vampire. All he wanted was power, wealth and blood. Gone was the vampire who I fell in love with. It was almost as he had put on a facade for me because suddenly I could barely recogize him. He barely had time for me and when we were together he would just try to convince me to join him in terrorizing humans. Through all of this though, I still had hope. That maybe my eyes were deceiving me and that maybe I would get back the Xavier that I loved. But I was an idiot and I only realized that when he raised his hand to me. I had interrupted an important meeting by accident and right there in front of five other vampires he slapped me right across the face. The force sent me crashing into a near by wall and although physically it felt like a pinch my heart had been shattered. I left the room trying to hold back tears and as I stood outside and tried to calm myself down I heard his plan...

And that was why I was running. Because my rose tinted walls had fallen and now I had seen him for his true colours. Because I knew what he planned to do and I had to stop it. I had to warn the Lanchesters...

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