Chapter 11 - Banshee

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 “James! James! They’re coming! I need your he–”

 The line cut and all that was left was a deafeningly eerie, deadly static…

 “Philip!” I bellowed as a sickening wave of dread washed over me.

 But my cousin didn’t answer. The phone was dead. And I might be too late.

Philip’s POV

 The last week or so had been the most boring period of my life by far. It was actually a very lenient punishment that the Elders handed out to my cousins and friends by putting them under house arrest and watching their every move. We had honestly thought the repercussions of being caught would be much worse.

 But not seeing my cousins meant that I had way too much of free time on my hands, which was why I was heading to a friend's house tonight, one that wasn’t on lockdown that is.

 For once in my life, I was dressed and ready to leave the house before schedule. See what’s happening to me? I’m never early. I decided to walk there instead of getting a driver to drive me. The fresh air would do me wonders.

 Whistling to myself as I walked along the filthy pavement I shoved my hands deeper into my hoody pockets. There was a slight chill in the air that sent shivers down my spine.

 Walking towards me was a petite girl, with rich brown hair. I could instantly tell she was human. Her shoulders were hunched forward and she kept her eyes low, walking briskly as if she would rather be anywhere than on the side of the road - which was probably the case.

 As she got closer I realized she was actually quite beautiful.

 “Hi there.” I said winking at her with a grin on my face.

 She stopped, looking up at me, clearly alarmed and then blushed awarding me a quiet, “Hello.”

 Oh yes! The P-Man still has it!

 She seemed unsure as to what to do. She appeared torn between striking up a conversation or hurrying home.

 ‘Don’t worry. I won’t bite.” I said smiling at her kindly, making it evident that I wasn’t the owner of a pair of fangs.

 She blushed again, looking down and scuffing her sneaker against the tar.

 “Figured you wouldn’t. You seem more like a puppy dog than a leech.” She said softly, joking with me.

 Now it was my turn to blush. I laughed to clear the awkwardness I was feeling.

 “Well Miss, this puppy dog’s name is Philip. And yours is?”

 She smiled, looking me into the eye, “I’m Emma.”

 “A beautiful name to match a beautiful girl.”

 She rolled her eyes but blushed none the less.

 “So Emma, wh-“

 I stopped abruptly, noticing two men in the distance walking languidly, coming from the way Emma had just come from. They walked effortlessly, as if gliding along the floor. Their shoulders were back and their chests puffed out proudly. Vampires. And not just any vampires. They were Fibs.

 Emma looked at me startled.

 “What’s wr-”

 I cut her off and grabbed her by the shoulders, softly yet urgently.

 “Emma, please do as I say. I want you to cross the road and then run home as fast as you can, okay?”

 She looked confused but followed my gaze and turned around. When she turned back towards me her hazel eyes were wide with fear.

 “But what about you?”

 “I’ll be fine, Emma.”

 “Be careful Philip.”

 I nodded at her. She looked at me one last time and then hurried across the road.

 I turned back to the Fibs who still hadn’t reached me. They seemed in no hurry to get to me, and I knew why. There was no point in running; they would catch me. I was trapped. They wouldn’t be idiotic enough to bite me so that ruled out that plan. All I had was my dagger. That wouldn’t do, I’d be dead before I could even lunge.

 That left one option. Create a diversion and call for back up.

 They were closing in, so I then did something so embarrassing that I was glad only the Fibs were my audience.

 I let out a shrill, girly like pierce; one that could possibly make the Fibs momentarily deaf, and pointed at the sky.

 The idiots fell for it. They looked up searching for what had caused my alarm, covering their ears and wincing.

 I took my chance and bolted, my cell phone already in my hand.

 He picked up on the first ring.

 “James! James! They’re coming! I need your he–”



Sorry for the short chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment:D 

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