Chapter 14

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Iris's POV

Yesterday, was quite a day and turns out my whole family even my sister who is very skeptical about guys was in awed with the man's charms, and Enrique my little brother comfortably sat on his lap the whole time while my beloved mother chatted with him and me well! they almost didn't noticed me there. Yes! I know, my family loves me so much my existence is merely visible,

But today is work, so Iris stop and do your WORK!

" to elaborate or better yet explain what happened the other night Iris?" my good friend inquired grinning widely in my direction,

She knows exactly who she's talking about, I rolled my eyes suppressing a smile and almost forgot

"Oh! Ed two of our new Stockholders are coming today though it's weird they both didn't mention their names..." I blurted staring suspiciously at my computer screen.

They must be VVIP, or Executives from a very private and successful corporations cause usually they tried to hide their identity to ensure their safety which is reasonable enough,

But the questions is why hide their identity if they are going to meet us anyway?

"Yeah, I've  heard and one of them bought a really big share of the company, anyway don't change the subject Iris now tell me what really happened." 

"So are you and Ethan dating?" I asked avoiding her careful interrogation, 

I know her for years and blunting towards me her silent interrogation is not really helping me focus my job.

"Really Iris?" she chuckled and raised a brow, "I should be the one asking you that"

"I don't know what your talking about" I mumbled unconsciously flipping the page of the magazine,

"Oh you don't?" a teasing smile crept her lips "If you don't know, then why are you reading the magazine upside-down?" she raised a brow and eyed me

I looked at the magazine, and turns out she's right it's upside-down, in the back of my head I'm thankful she had noticed or my office-mates will definitely question my new way of reading, or they'll be amazed of how I've managed to read it upside-down *sarcasm*

I sighed in defeat and face her "Fine, what do you wan-" I trailed off turning my direction to the new comer.

At one point I thought it was him but I was wrong...

It was-

"Alex" I muttered clearly shocked as the guy who broke my heart for the first time,

Who made me cry, and who left me almost 6 years ago came back as he mirrored my expression,

"You know him?"

"Yeah" I replied barely above a whisper as her eyes widen in confusion.

I've never told Ed about him, I've never had the guts to told anyone about him except my family.

I was young and vulnerable back then as well as my heart whom he cruelly crash and broke when he left me without any explanation at all.

I saw Ed composed herself as Alex approached us,

I took a deep breath, I didn't even noticed I was holding it until now then I straighten myself up,

"Iris?" he mumbled more to himself than to me

I offered my hand professionally and nod "Alex"

I feel Ed eyed him best friend's instinct I guess, but immediately softened her eyes as she fake a smile when Alex offered a hand shake to her,

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