Chapter 4

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oh no!

I stared at him in horror my temper immediately flared up,

I slowly but forcefully push him away

"You!?" I pointed and narrowed my eyes at him

"Your stalking me are you?" he teasingly retorted and give me what appears to be a playful smirk

me stalking him?...such gibberish arrghh!!!....the nerve of this man

I immediately walked out, I just can't stand the sight of a man who didn't apologize in the first place and now accuse me of stalking him?!?...


"Iris are you all right you looked so tensed since i got back to the washroom is everything okay?" Edeloise ask studying my expression

"y-yes...yes I'm fine I'm just not feeling well"

my mood is completely ruin by that man for the second time we bumped into each other but I know this time was because of my carelessness

I took a deep breath and calm myself down I don't want to spoil the evening

Edeloise smiled at me and I smile in return giving her the assurance that I'm good

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen" the emcee started the program he is quite funny and very entertaining to watch

he welcome and introduced to us the organizer of the said event none other than Mrs. Reynaldine Castell 

I was impressed at the same time adore her for still looking so beautiful in her forties

I've heard and seen some news articles about her and the CEH Inc. and also the heir of their empire but I didn't get the chance to see what their successor looks like when i tried to find some pictures

There are only few stolen shots and most of them didn't really capture his face 

I thought that the main highlight of the party was the bachelorettes which I'm not included of course since I'm only invited because I'm Edeloise's secretary. 

But I guess Mrs. Castell put a special twist in her party

she said that instead of bachelorettes ONLY she emphasize the word 

"how about every woman who dressed up for tonight gets the chance of a lifetime to be bid and be the spotlight of the event" 

the guest applauded and some of the known bachelors even whistle in delight and cheered as well.

I scan the place and I shuddered seeing Lucca giving me an intense look I immediately look away not liking nor wanting how he acts towards me tonight.


As the Auction party goes on and the people cheered and scream men are starting to bid the woman they want to win for a romantic date...for the charity of course  

A pair of dark grey eyes is watching Iris earnestly

he observed her every action not wanting to take his eyes away from her beautiful face and astonishing body

he may look like a stalker but he doesn't care until a pair of slim hands slid down to his chest making him roll his eyes

"hi honey....." Leila de Castro whisper on his ear before turning to face Reynaldine and James who looked so surprise of Leila's action 

they don't usually know or met their son's previous girlfriends or flings because they want to give him the privacy he needs,

"Pleasant evening Mr. & Mrs. Castell and you as well little Castell" Leila said while grinning,

Reynaldine smiled while James and Louis just nodded 

"Is she your girlfriend son?" Reynaldine asked all of a sudden 

"NO." Yes!!!..." they both said in unison and several heads turn in their direction but dismissed it immediately

Leila stared at him in disbelief 

"She's not my girlfriend" he said without a trace of humor in his face 

he's trying to get rid of Leila plus she's just a former fling that doesn't get enough of him and he's done with her 

Leila's eyes widened and shock crossed her face

she let out a bitter smile and glared at him before she walked out.

"so she's not--" she was cut by her husband and son

"Reynaldine!" "Mom!" 

"Oh dear I'm just asking..." Reynaldine said before sipping her wine 

Stan just close his eyes in exasperation and instantly open them when he heard Iris's Name....


Hi guys so I did just a few revisions here and there because things piled up and pretty much a mess but enough of that I just wanted to apologized if there are some things like grammar errors and words that are misspelled...this is not yet edited so just bear with the me and the story...

PS: this is my first book and so I think it explained a lot thank you!...

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Miss K

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