Chapter twelve

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After the whole house being broken into incident, everything seemed to go back to normal after a couple days.

Although, Prussia still numbered the days I could come over. So that was a big setback in things.

I had nothing to do at the house! I mean, the fights were starting to calm down thankfully. So that was a bonus, but it felt boring there to tell you the truth. All I did was mostly stay in my room all day until the others would finally remember where I was, (or sometimes who I was), to come fetch me from my room.

I would be lectured on how staying in my room and reading all day was "unhealthy", and a "waste of time."

I didn't understand what was so wrong with it. Alfred would be in his room for hours on end doing nothing but playing video games and secretly texting Japan whenever he'd get the chance.

They're still together by the way. Alfred never told France or England though, so he was forced to date Japan secretly. I thought it was kind of sweet of how they'd have their relationship a secret.

It's not like our fathers would not support it, he's just scared to come out of the closet.

Besides, I don't think he wants to admit he loves him anyways.

Alfred doesn't like to admit his feelings at all really, he was raised mostly from England's side, so he didn't exactly learn how to love someone openly like I learned from France.

I don't blame him at all really, Papa Francis said that it took Arthur almost a hundred years to finally say "I love you" to Papa himself.

Papa of course said it to him once he got to know Arthur a lot more, which I thought was romantic of course.

They did make an odd couple though, because if what I heard, they used to fight all the time!

They stopped for the sake of us, and they really grown to love each other.

I've always wanted to find love like that, and I believe I found that with Gil, even if it is only one-sided.


I realized that my nightmares finally stopped thankfully.

I think what triggered them was stress and, well, Gilbert himself.
Did you ever notice that? He was literally always in my dreams eh?

How awkward can you get.
Well, I didn't really mind, as you can see, but it always ended in him kissing me.

I didn't really mind that either.
I don't know, but they always felt so...real.

It was odd.

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you're falling in one and then woke up right before you hit the ground but it felt like you did, but you just landed in your bed?

It was kind of like that.


I stopped having them fully when I realized it was a full two weeks that I haven't been to Gil's.

Yeah, I became depressed.
I stopped going outside, and I almost stopped eating, but thankfully, Alfred had noticed straight away.

He started to ask questions, and I just couldn't tell him.
I mean, you'd think I could since he told me about Japan, but I just didn't trust anybody with my secret.

They knew about me going to Gilbert's, but they didn't know about me loving him.

Anyways, after about two and a half weeks without any contact from Gil, I decided to go over and see what was wrong.

Oh, now I sound like a desperate girlfriend. Great.
Uh, yeah, anyways, I went around lunchtime.

I remembered feeling a little scared.
I don't remember why exactly, but it was something to do with his girlfriend.

When I walked up those familiar porch steps, I remember every single thing we did. I blushed at the thought as I knocked on the door.

I breathed in a fresh gulp of air and waited. I heard moving on the other side and someone opening the door.

It was Zoe.

My shoulders dropped a bit but I smiled. "Hi Zoe, I-is Gilbert home?" I asked.

Her face became written with confusion as she looked at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.

I frowned and looked down, "I'm Matthew. M-Matthew Williams." I said sadly and looked away awkwardly.

"Hey? Who is at zhe door honey?" I heard Gilbert ask from the kitchen.

"Uh...his name is Matthew. Matthew Williams, do you know him?" Zoe asked turning around.

"Birdie?!" He said rushing from the kitchen and running through the living room. He launched himself at me and hugged me breathless.

"BIRDIE!" He said happily.

I laughed, "Hi Gil. Its n-nice to see you a-again."

He let go and looked me straight in the eye. I blinked and saw he had blue contacts on.

I tilted my head in confusion and he started to talk.

"Birdie, I am so, SO, sorry about not talking to you sooner." He said sadly.

I smile, "I-It's okay." I said as he let go.

I was about to ask about the contacts when he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs suddenly, leaving Zoe looking confused at the door.


He pulled me into a huge room filled with all his Prussian stuff from before.

His bed was Prussian themed, like my Canadian one, and his lamp was even Prussian. I saw Gilbird in his cage and he was tweeting happily. I walked up to him and patted his tiny head smiling.

Prussia sat on his bed and took out the contacts carefully. "Oh zhank gott, I hate zhose zhings." He muttered.

I rose an eyebrow, "Why do y-you wear them eh?" I asked.

He sighed, "I couldn't risk questions from Zoe, und she might figure out our secret." He said sadly.

"So you wore them this whole time?" I ask not even stuttering once.

He nodded. "Ja, didn't you notice vhen ve vent for supper?" He asked confused.

I blinked and thought for a moment, "Uh...yeah. I guess I did. I just wasn't paying attention eh?" I say chuckling a little.

He laughs, "Oh Birdie. See, zhis is vhy you're awesome." He said happily.

I gulp and blush, "Not as awesome as you of course." I say smiling a little crooked.

He chuckled, "Maybe you are, und you just don't know it."

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